Staff from the State of Washington and the City of Seattle learned about the innovative work at I-LABS during a visit held July 19. Patricia Kuhl and Andrew Meltzoff, co-directors of the Institute, described brain development and I-LABS discoveries on how young children learn. Visitors also toured the MEG brain imaging facility and heard from the I-LABS Outreach team about how the Institute translates … Read More
I-LABS Welcomes 2016 Summer Interns
Four undergraduate students started their summer internship this week at the Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences. Photo: Miriam Donner, Will Hodge, Riley MacAulay, Maria Venneri. With interests in psychology, neuroscience and education, the interns will spend the month of July working with I-LABS researchers and honing professional development skills. The I-LABS Outreach team organizes the internship each year with the goal … Read More
I-LABS Outreach Joins Parent Blog Network
Parenting tips, ideas for free child-friendly outings, and even advice on how caregivers of small children can find time to take care of themselves—these are all recent topics of a new blog launched by Educare Seattle. As one of the blog’s contributors, the I-LABS Outreach team will provide monthly blog posts that give practical strategies for making I-LABS research useful … Read More
White House Event on Dual Language Learners Showcases I-LABS
The White House Regional Summit on Dual Language Learners, held June 2 in Miami, represents increasing national interest in expanding high-quality early learning opportunities for dual language learners—children who are learning more than one language at the same time. A growing number of young children in the U.S. have a home language other than English, but early childhood programs often … Read More
Ask I-LABS Outreach: How Do Babies Learn Two Languages at Once?
Learn the science behind the linguistic genius of babies, and get tips on how to nurture multilingual development in young children. Very early childhood is the best time to learn multiple languages. Children who experience two languages from birth typically become native speakers of both—something that rarely happens in adulthood. How do babies do it? At I-LABS, I study brain … Read More
Ask I-LABS Outreach: How Similar is Theater to I-LABS Research?
Six reasons why working in I-LABS research is like working in theater, provided by a special guest contributor. At first blush, you might think that all that young children and theatrical actors have in common is a tendency to be, shall we say, a touch dramatique? So when I-LABS recently had the pleasure of hosting a student with acting experience, we … Read More
I-LABS at #SXSWedu: ‘Tots and TVs’
Screens are everywhere. And young children are spending more and more time using screen media. But how do children learn from them? I-LABS recently shared the science behind how children learn–and don’t learn!–from screen media at the “ed tech mecca” conference South By Southwest EDU, #SXSWedu.
Columns Magazine: ‘How Does Baby Learn?’
From how babies’ brains respond to speech and touch to the latest impacts early learning science has made in society, UW’s Columns magazine features I-LABS in its March 2016 issue. The story, “How Does Baby Learn?,” describes how I-LABS is “revolutionizing theories of human development.” The 4-page feature covers I-LABS’ most recent research and outreach accomplishments and gives sneak peeks … Read More
Ask I-LABS Outreach: What’s the Big Deal About Screen Media?
How do we make good choices about our children’s use of screen media? The I-LABS Outreach team gives an update on the science and practical strategies for parents. Oh, screen media. A favorite TV show, app, video game, or other digital entertainment can hold—and sometimes consume—a child’s attention. It’s a convenient tool for parents who need an uninterrupted moment to … Read More
Ask I-LABS Outreach: How can I make my child exceptionally smart?
The question comes in different forms. Parents ask, “What can I do to make sure my child is successful later in life?,” “How can I help my toddler be ready to enter kindergarten?,” and even “I want my child to be gifted—what can I do to ensure that?” In this inaugural installment of a new series “Ask I-LABS Outreach,” we’ll … Read More