I-LABS Outreach Joins Parent Blog Network


Parenting tips, ideas for free child-friendly outings, and even advice on how caregivers of small children can find time to take care of themselves—these are all recent topics of a new blog launched by Educare Seattle.

As one of the blog’s contributors, the I-LABS Outreach team will provide monthly blog posts that give practical strategies for making I-LABS research useful in everyday interactions with children.

So far, I-LABS posts have covered tips for helping young children learn, how children learn from screen media, and ways to make the most of reading to babies.

The new blog is intended to engage families and raise awareness of the importance of high-quality learning experiences during early childhood.

Follow the blog on Educare Seattle’s websiteFacebook page, or Twitter feed.

Educare Seattle is an early learning center located in the White Center community of Seattle. In partnership with the Puget Sound Educational Service District and Thrive Washington, Educare Seattle provides a variety of support services and child-care programs to families. The center is particularly focused on preparing at-risk young children and their families for success in school.

Learn more about Educare Seattle.