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Selected media coverage and news releases.
10/1/2024 The human costs of light pollution include less curiosity and wonder about the universe. I-LABS scientists are the first to suggest that light pollution–excessive artificial lighting from urban areas–may also affect human psychology and scientific behavior.
Related coverage: UW News - EurekAlert! - Psychreg - Phys.Org - Mirage News
9/12/2024 Music enhances babies’ speech recognition, but they’re not listening to enough of it at home. I-LABS researchers discovered a surprising lack of lullabies and other live-music stimuli.
Related coverage: UW Magazine - Tech Explorist - Earth.com
9/9/2024 The New York Times
"Teen Girls’ Brains Aged Rapidly During Pandemic, Study Finds. Neuroimaging found girls experienced cortical thinning far faster than boys did during the first year of Covid lockdowns." Article covering research by Patricia Kuhl, Neva Corrigan, et al. Read the article here.
Related Coverage: NBC Chicago - The Debrief - NBC News - The Guardian - Newsweek - CNN - NPR - US News & World Report - The Telegraph -
Neuroscience News - HealthDay - Euro News - KIRO - Seattle Times - KUOW - KUOW Youtube - OPB
3/26/2024 The Good Men Project
Article covering research by Leoandra Onnie Rogers, Andrew Meltzoff, et al. Read the article here.
3/17/2024 Der Spiegel
Der Spiegel is a German newsmagazine that is published weekly (American equivalents are Time or Newsweek). It is one of the most widely circulated magazines in Germany, and throughout Europe. In a recently-published story called “What Babies Think”, I-LABS co-Director Andrew Meltzoff was quoted about the cognitive skills that infants and children exhibit, and how these are studied in a research lab. Read the article here.
3/12/2024 Holistic News
"Research results show that the overuse of digital tools reduces the chances of developing literacy, numeracy and learning skills in general." Article noting research by Patricia Kuhl, et al. Read the article here.
2/21/2024 Yahoo News
Study: How parents talked about Black Lives Matter differed by race. Read the article here.
2/20/2024 Seattle Times
UW study: How parents talked about Black Lives Matter differed by race. Read the article here.
2/17/2024 Psychology Today
“Black Lives Matter” Matters for Children’s Development: Realities of racial oppression highlighted by BLM are keenly noticed by children. Read the article here.
2/15/2024 Futurity.org
"How Parents Talked With Kids About Black Lives Matter Differed By Race: While many Black and white parents spoke to their children about the Black Lives Matter movement within a year of the 2020 murder of George Floyd, they used different language to explain it, according to new research." Article covering research by Leoandra Onnie Rogers, Andrew Meltzoff, et al. Read the article here.
2/6/2024 UW News
A new study from the University of Washington professor Andrew Meltzoff and Northwestern University showed key differences in the language Black parents and white used to explain Black Lives Matter. Read the article here.
2/5/2024 The Hill
In 2020, Black and white parents discussed the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement with their children ages 8-11, but the way the topic was discussed differed greatly depending on race, a new study has found. Read the article here.
11/17/2023 Canadian Broadcast Corporation: As It Happens with Nil Köksal, Chris Howdens
A Canadian Broadcast Corporation interview show titled "As It Happens" features an interview with Dr. Patricia Kuhl. "Pandemic-related lockdowns and closures were hard on everyone. But a growing body of research suggests what many parents may already suspect: they were especially hard on young people. Now, a new study scanning adolescent brain seems to be backing some of those suspicions. The report was presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience this week, and the research was led by Dr. Patricia Kuhl.". Link to Kuhl Interview portion — Link to full episode
11/17/2023 Scientific American
The Pandemic Disrupted Adolescent Brain Development. Early research presented at the leading brain conference suggests that the pandemic changed the brains of teenagers. Patricia Kuhl of the University of Washington reported a larger-than-normal thinning of the cerebral cortex in a group of 124 adolescents who had been tracked before the pandemic at ages nine to 17 and then again after the COVID lockdown period. Read the article here.
11/11/2023 Newsweek
COVID-19 prematurely accelerated brain maturation in adolescents. The COVID-19 pandemic produced dramatic changes in the daily lives of adolescents, and these changes were particularly detrimental for teens’ academic, social, and emotional development. Using brain measures (Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI), Patricia Kuhl, along with colleagues Neva Corrigan and Ariel Rokem, studied the structure of the brain in teens ranging in age from 9 to 20 years, before and after the pandemic. Read the article here.
10/30/2023 KRQE News - Albuquerque
The First Born® Program is a local organization dedicated to providing resources and support to families and early childhood professionals across New Mexico. The program recently announced their 2023-2024 Brain Builder Speaker Series. The series focus is on the brain development of infants and toddlers. The series kicked off on Friday, October, 20 with a “Building Brains: Neuroscience in Practice" presented by Dr. Amelia Bachleda of University of Washington’s Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences and Dr. Yolandra Toya a Developmental Pediatrician in New Mexico. " Read the article here.
8/17/2023 New Times San Luis Obispo
"Today there is plentiful research confirming our observations. New studies—often backed by brain imaging technology—can now link the arts to crucial cognitive skills. For example, the effect of music on early brain development is now widely accepted thanks to studies at the University of Washington Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences." Read the article here.
5/26/2023 Forbes Magazine
Supporting Women In STEM: How Companies Can Help Spark Early Interest. Despite our progress breaking down gender discrimination in the workplace over the last few decades, gender inequality continues to permeate science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) industries. Research by I-LABS and collaborators are detailed in this 2023 article. Read the article here.
5/22/2023 Quanta Magazine
Some Neural Networks Learn Language Like Humans. Researchers uncover striking parallels in the ways that humans and machine learning models acquire language skills. Research by Christina Zhao, Gašper Beguš, and Alan Zhou detailed in the may 22, 2023 article. Read the article here.
3/15/2023 The Citizen
Why music is recommended for our mental health. Recent discoveries show that music modifies the biochemical processes of the brain and could positively impact mental health. Research by Christina Zhao and Patricia Kuhl detailed in the March 15, 2023 article. Read the article here.
2/1/23 – Scientific American
Op-ed in Scientific American from Sapna Cheryan, Allison Master, and Andrew Meltzoff. "Computer Science and Engineering Need Women. Tech culture and stereotypes dissuade them." February 2023 Issue. Read the op-ed here. Read the full issue here.
11/29/22 – Early Learning Nation
First-Ever Study Provides High-Tech Window on Mother-Child Brain Synchrony. I-LABS Collaborates with Japanese and Taiwanese Brain Scientists. Early Learning Nation Interview I-LABS co-Director Patricia Kuhl on Dual MEG Research. Read the article here.
9/28/22 – Psychology Today
How Your Baby Learns Language in the Womb: Phonetic learning occurs in utero. Research by I-LABS co-Director Patricia Kuhl and others reveals that a baby can remember elementary sounds from their mother as early as 10 weeks prior to birth. Read the article here.
9/23/22 – Music Connection
According to I-LABS faculty member Christina Zhao, babies experiencing a rhythmic pattern in music can improve the ability to detect and make predictions about rhythmic patterns in speech. This suggests that music improves cognitive development. Read the article here.
8/22/22 – The New York Times
"In puberty, the brain is flooded with hormones and other neurochemicals that, among other things, render a young adolescent more sensitive to changes in social cues, according to brain-imaging research by Andrew Meltzoff, co-director of the University of Washington Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences." Read the article here.
8/9/22 – KUOW - NPR
Understanding how our brains work through 'The Neuroscience of You'. Read the article here.
8/5/22 – Nautilus Magazine
Neuroscientist and psychologist Chantel Prat says the languages we speak play a huge role in shaping our minds and brains. Read the article here.
7/25/22 – Atlas Obscura
I-LABS faculty member and auditory neuroscientist Adrian KC Lee offers scientific rationale behind a new account of early settlers and the silence surrounding them in the vast landscape. Read the article here.
7/1/22 – BabyGaga.com
Dr. Christina Zhao's research is featured in this article about the role of music in building language skills. Read the article here.
4/19/22 – US News & World Report
I-LABS research about preschoolers reading skills in a virtual classroom was featured. Read the article here.
4/8/22 – Futurity
Futurity, which features articles on latest discoveries by scientists at top research universities, picked up I-LABS research on learning to read in a virtual classroom. Read the article here.
3/29/22 – Early Learning Nation
I-LABS research on the roots of altruism was featured in the magazine Early Learning Nation. Read the article and watch the accompanying video here.
2/22/22 – Forbes
I-LABS research on the development of gender stereotypes was featured in Forbes. Read the article here.
11/24/21 - Good Morning America
Allison Master discusses her new research (with I-LABS colleague Andrew Meltzoff) about how stereotypes discourage girls from careers in computer science and engineering. Watch the segment on Good Morning America here.
09/08/21 - Parentology
I-LABS researcher Dr. Naja Ferjan Ramirez explains the many benefits of early language learning. Read the article here. Watch Parentology’s video report here.
09/06/21 - CNBC
I-LABS research by Dario Cveneck is used to clarify how children develop self-esteem. Read the article here.
09/01/21 - National Geographic
I-LABS researcher Rodolfo Barragan’s work on early altruism figures prominently in this article on children’s empathy and kindness. Read the article here.
08/25/21 - The Seattle Times
I-LABS researchers, working with colleagues from Harvard, have shed light on the ways pandemic-related stressors affect teen mental health. Importantly, this research has led to practical interventions for parents and kids. Read the primary research in PLoS ONE here. Read the Seattle Times article here. Read a sample of other coverage of this research through the links below.
The Harvard Gazette Q13 Fox UW News Mirage News
08/09/21 - Discover Magazine
I-LABS co-Director Patricia Kuhl’s research on early language acquisition provides context for this examination of conversational intelligence. Read the article here.
07/21/21 - The Atlantic
I-LABS scientist Dario Cveneck explains how self-esteem can help children work through challenges and build perseverance. Read the article here.
06/11/21 - Good Morning America
Good Morning America interviewed Andy Meltzoff concerning his recent research on infants’ generosity. Watch the interview and clips of the research here.
05/24/21 - The Daily Mail
Children can learn to be generous before their second birthday. I-LABS research shows that children can resist possessive tendencies and share even valued objects. Read the article here.
04/14/21 - Parentology
I-LABS co-Director Dr. Patricia Kuhl explains parentese and it’s role in child development.
Read the article here.
03/10/21 - Science Daily
I-LABS research indicates that those who identify with all humanity are more likely to adhere to public health guidelines during a pandemic. Read the Science Daily article here. Read additional coverage of this research below.
AAAS Neuroscience News Newswise ScienMag
01/20/21 - KSAT News 12
I-LABS research shows that infants are capable of learning two or more languages simultaneously. View the segment here.
02/04/21 - WILX News 10
I-LABS researcher Dr. Naja Ferjan Ramirez explains how babies begin learning languages even before their first words. View the segment here.
11/3/20 - Time Magazine
I-LABS research on baby altruism shows that infants will give up items they value to help others. Read the article here.
10/15/20 - The New York Times
When The Times needed science-based expertise for an article on early learning during COVID-19, they reached out to I-LABS co-Director Patricia Kuhl. Read the article here.
10/14/20 - Seattle Times
I-LABS Outreach director Sarah Lytle discusses how to manage screen media and alleviate anxieties for parents. Read the article here.
09/16/20 - The 74
Research on parentese by I-LABS co-Director Patricia Kuhl and researcher Naja Ferjan Ramirez is featured in this article on the positive effects of parent coaching. Read the article here.
08/25/20 - Live Science
I-LABS research scientist Allison Master describes strategies for fostering curiosity and helping children learn scientific concepts through toys and play. Read the article here.
08/19/20 - BabyGaga
This article on effective parenting focuses on I-LABS research into parentese. Read the article here.
08/06/20 - Kiro Radio and MyNorthwest
I-LABS researcher Naja Ferjan Ramirez explains parentese and how parents can use it to help with language acquisition. Listen to the radio interview and read the article here.
07/13/20 - Motherly
Research from I-LABS co-director Patricia Kuhl is featured in this article about raising anti-racist babies. Read the article here.
04/02/20 - The Wall Street Journal
I-LABS co-Director Patricia Kuhl explains the role back-and-forth interactions play in building and maintaining relationships, even during a pandemic. Read the article here.
03/05/20 - Wall Street Journal
I-LABS research is featured in this article on early altruism. Read the article here.
02/10/20 - People
I-LABS postdoctoral researcher Rodolfo Cortes Barragan discusses his research on altruism in early childhood. Read the article here.
02/06/20 - US News & World Report
I-LABS research on early altruism is profiled in this national story. Read the article here.
02/04/20 - CNN
I-LABS co-Director Patricia Kuhl explains the benefits of parentese. Read the article here.
02/02/20 - Daily Journal
I-LABS co-director Patricia Kuhl spoke to state legislators in Mississippi about early childhood development and education legislation. Read the article here.
1/19/20 - Today
I-LABS co-Director Patricia Kuhl kicks off an exploration of the power of play for children, or “the world’s original inventors,” as Kuhl describes them. Read the article here.
1/16/20 - Woman's Day
I-LABS research scientist Allison Master discusses different ways to keep yourself motivated. Read the article here.
1/06/20 - Clark County Today
I-LABS research scientist Allison Master helps Vancouver’s Kiddie Academy make STEM learning more effective by making it more social. Read the article here.
1/06/20 - Sarasota Herald-Tribune
I-LABS research scientist Allison Master helps explain why parents should overcome their discomfort and talk about race with children. Read the article here.
11/05/19 - Cognitive Revolution
I-LABS researcher Dr. Chantel Prat is interviewed about the personal side of neuroscience. Listen to the podcast here.
11/05/19 - Early Learning Nation
I-LABS co-Director Dr. Patricia Kuhl is interviewed about early language acquisition in this feature. Read the article here.
10/31/19 - National Science Foundation
I-LABS research shows that deaf infants exposed to ASL are more attuned to visual communication. Read the article here.
10/22/19 - UW News
Research by I-LABS researchers Rechele Brooks and Andrew Meltzoff is featured in this article about gaze following in Deaf infants. Read the article here. Watch a short video summarizing the study here.
10/16/19 - Oztoylib
I-LABS research scientist Dr. Allison Master and colleagues have found that young children are more engaged with STEM activities when the activities are social. Making STEM activities social boosts motivation, focus, persistence, and even fun. Read the article here.
10/9/19 - UW Daily
I-LABS co-Director Andrew Meltzoff and colleagues have found that young children can learn social bias from nonverbal cues. Children under the age of 6 used nonverbal signals to make judgments not just about individuals, but also about the groups to which those individuals belong. Read the article here.
9/19/19 - New York Times
I-LABS co-Director Andrew Meltzoff is featured in a New York Times article that describes how grandparents can help their grandchildren form lasting memories. Meltzoff describes how re-encountering events through repeated, evocative recollections builds long-term memories. Read the article here.
6/14/19 - Fast Company Online
The work of I-LABS co-Directors Patricia Kuhl and Andrew Meltzoff is featured in this article about the learning strategies of preschoolers.
5/28/19 - New York Times
I-LABS co-Director Andrew Meltzoff is quoted in this New York Times article about imaginary play in preschoolers.
5/8/19 - Haaretz
Patricia Kuhl is spreading I-LABS research around the world. Recent presentations in Israel supported the Ministry of Health’s ‘First 1,000 Days Strategy.’ Dr. Kuhl talked about baby brain development and early language acquisition. Her visit was covered by the Israel newspaper Haaretz and influential blogs, such as the Bernard van Leer Foundation.
4/25/19 - Washington Post
Patricia Kuhl's research on parentese is highlighted in this article from the Washington Post. Parentese is a style of speech that many people use when speaking to young children. It features a higher pitch and longer, drawn-out words. Babies babble more when they hear parentese. Hearing parentese is also linked to bigger vocabularies later in life.
4/17/19 - Chicago Tribune
Teaching babies a second language makes them smarter Babies’ brains are naturally wired to learn language. In fact, they are able to process every sound of every language in the world before approximately nine months of age, when they begin to prune out sounds from languages they do not hear every day and focus on their own native tongue.
4/10/19 - Despierta America
The intellectual and social advantage of having a bilingual child at home Naja Ferjan Ramirez, an expert in bilingual language development, was interviewed by Dr. Juan for Despierta America, on the Univision Network. Watch the 4 minute interview here.