Andrew N. Meltzoff, Ph.D. - Publications
Professor and Co-Director
Journal Special Issues
Publications (h-index = 132)
Barragan, R.C., Meltzoff, A.N. Opportunity to view the starry night sky is linked to human emotion and behavioral interest in astronomy. Sci Rep 14, 19314 (2024). Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Sanders, E. A., del Río, M. F., Susperreguy, M. I., Strasser, K., Brečić, R., Gaćeša, D., Skala, D., Tomasetto, C., Galdi, S., Cadinu, M., Kapur, M., Passolunghi, M. C., Rueda Ferreira, T. I., Mirisola, A., Mariani, B., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2024). National disparities favoring males are reflected in girls’ implicit associations about gender and academic subjects. Developmental Psychology, Advance online publication. Click here to receive a reprint
Bosseler, A. N., Meltzoff, A. N., Bierer, S., Huber, E., Mizrahi, J. C., Larson, E., Endevelt-Shapira, Y., Taulu, S., & Kuhl, P. K. (2024). Infants’ brain responses to social interaction predict future language growth. Current Biology, Advance online publication. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Gilliam, W. S. (2024). Young children & implicit racial biases. Daedalus, 153, 65-83. Click here to receive a reprint
Rogers, L. O., Scott, K. E., Wintz, F., Eisenman, S. R., Dorsi, C., Chae, D., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2024). Exploring whether and how Black and White parents talk with their children about race: M(ai)cro race conversations about Black Lives Matter. Developmental Psychology, Advance online publication. | Click here to receive a reprint
Cortes Barragan, R., Brooks, R., Sanders, E. A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2024). Prosociality in young Latinx children: Exploring the role of grandparents. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 12, 79-99. Click here to receive a reprint
Rodman, A. M., Rosen, M. L., Kasparek, S. W., Mayes, M., Lengua, L., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2024). Social experiences and youth psychopathology during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study. Development and Psychopathology, 36, 366–378. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Tang, D., Forsyth, D., Alexander, T M., Cheryan, S., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2023). Gender equity and motivational readiness for computational thinking in early childhood. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 64, 242-254. Click here to receive a reprint
Kasparek, S. W., Rosen, M. L., Lurie, L. A., Cikara, M., Sambrook, K., Cvencek, D., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2023). Differentiating between us & them: Reduced in-group bias as a novel mechanism linking childhood violence exposure with internalizing psychopathology. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 51, 961-975. Click here to receive a reprint
Cortes Barragan, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2023). Prosociality and health: Identification with all humanity is a replicable predictor of prosocial motivation for health behaviors. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1052713. Click here to receive a reprint
Lin, J.-F. L., Imada, T., Meltzoff, A. N., Hiraishi, H., Ikeda, T., Takahashi, T., Hasegawa, C., Yoshimura, Y., Kikuchi, M., Hirata, M., Minabe, Y., Asada, M., & Kuhl, P. K. (2022). Dual-MEG interbrain synchronization during turn-taking verbal interactions between mothers and children. Cerebral Cortex, 33, 4116-4134. Click here to receive a reprint
Reid-Russell, A., Miller, A. B., Cvencek, D., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2022). Lower implicit self-esteem as a pathway linking childhood abuse to depression and suicidal ideation. Development and Psychopathology, 34, 1272-1286. Click here to receive a reprint
Clarke, M. D., Bosseler, A. N., Mizrahi, J. C., Peterson, E. R., Larson, E., Meltzoff, A. N., Kuhl, P. K., & Taulu, S. (2022). Infant brain imaging using magnetoencephalography: Challenges, solutions, and best practices. Human Brain Mapping, 43, 3609-3619. Click here to receive a reprint
Lengua, L. J., Thompson, S. F., Kim, S. G., Rosen, M. L., Rodman, A., Kasparek, S., Mayes, M., Zalewski, M., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2022). Maternal mental health mediates the effects of pandemic-related stressors on adolescent psychopathology during COVID-19. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 63, 1544-1552. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Brečić, R., Gaćeša, D., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2021). Development of math attitudes and math self-concepts: Gender differences, implicit–explicit dissociations, and relations to math achievement. Child Development, 92, e940–e956. Click here to receive a reprint
Barragan, R.C., & Meltzoff, A.N. (2021). Human infants can override possessive tendencies to share valued items with others. Scientific Reports, 11, 9635. Click here to receive a reprint
Shen, G., Weiss, S. M., Meltzoff, A. N., Allison, O. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2021). Exploring developmental changes in infant anticipation and perceptual processing: EEG responses to tactile stimulation. Infancy, 21, 97–114. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Meltzoff, A. N., & Cheryan, S. (2021). Gender stereotypes about interests start early and cause gender disparities in computer science and engineering. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2100030118. Click here to receive a reprint
Ruba, A. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Repacholi, B. M. (2021). Linguistic and developmental influences on superordinate facial configuration categorization in infancy. Infancy, 26, 857–876. Click here to receive a reprint
Rosen, M. L., Lurie, L. A., Sambrook, K. A., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2021). Neural mechanisms underlying the income-achievement gap: The role of the ventral visual stream. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 52, 101025. Click here to receive a reprint
Weissman, D. G., Rodman, A. M., Rosen, M. L., Kasparek, S., Mayes, M., Sheridan, M. A., Lengua, L. J., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2021). Contributions of emotion regulation and brain structure and function to adolescent internalizing problems and stress vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science, 1, 272–282. Click here to receive a reprint
Rosen, M. L., Rodman, A. M., Kasparek, S. W., Mayes, M., Freeman, M. M., Lengua, L. J., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2021). Promoting youth mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study. PLoS ONE, 16, e0255294. Click here to receive a reprint
Lurie, L. A., Hagen, M. P., McLaughlin, K. A., Sheridan, M. A., Meltzoff, A. N., & Rosen, M. L. (2021). Mechanisms linking socioeconomic status and academic achievement in early childhood: Cognitive stimulation and language. Cognitive Development, 58, 101045. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2020). Importance of body representations in social-cognitive development: New insights from infant brain science. In S. Hunnius & M. Meyer (Eds.), New perspectives on early social-cognitive development: Progress in brain research (Vol. 254, pp. 25–48). Elsevier. Click here to receive a reprint
Skinner, A. L., Olson, K. R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Acquiring group bias: Observing other people's nonverbal signals can create social group biases. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119, 824–828. Click here to receive a reprint
Shen, G., Meltzoff, A. N., Weiss, S. M., & Marshall, P. J. (2020). Body representation in infants: Categorical boundaries of body parts as assessed by somatosensory mismatch negativity. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 44, 100795. Click here to receive a reprint
Barragan, R. C., Brooks, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Altruistic food sharing behavior by human infants after a hunger manipulation. Scientific Reports, 10, 1785. Click here to receive a reprint
Brooks, R., Singleton, J. L., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Enhanced gaze-following behavior in Deaf infants of Deaf parents. Developmental Science, 23, e12900. Click here to receive a reprint
Theory of Developmental Psychology
Barragan, R.C., Meltzoff, A.N. Opportunity to view the starry night sky is linked to human emotion and behavioral interest in astronomy. Sci Rep 14, 19314 (2024). Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Sanders, E. A., del Río, M. F., Susperreguy, M. I., Strasser, K., Brečić, R., Gaćeša, D., Skala, D., Tomasetto, C., Galdi, S., Cadinu, M., Kapur, M., Passolunghi, M. C., Rueda Ferreira, T. I., Mirisola, A., Mariani, B., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2024). National disparities favoring males are reflected in girls’ implicit associations about gender and academic subjects. Developmental Psychology, Advance online publication. Click here to receive a reprint
Bosseler, A. N., Meltzoff, A. N., Bierer, S., Huber, E., Mizrahi, J. C., Larson, E., Endevelt-Shapira, Y., Taulu, S., & Kuhl, P. K. (2024). Infants’ brain responses to social interaction predict future language growth. Current Biology, Advance online publication. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Gilliam, W. S. (2024). Young children & implicit racial biases. Daedalus, 153, 65-83. Click here to receive a reprint
Cortes Barragan, R., Brooks, R., Sanders, E. A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2024). Prosociality in young Latinx children: Exploring the role of grandparents. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 12, 79-99. Click here to receive a reprint
Shen, G., Weiss, S. M., Meltzoff, A. N., Allison, O. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2021). Exploring developmental changes in infant anticipation and perceptual processing: EEG responses to tactile stimulation. Infancy, 94–114. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Meltzoff, A. N., & Cheryan, S. (2021). Gender stereotypes about interests start early and cause gender disparities in computer science and engineering. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2100030118. Click here to receive a reprint
Barragan, R.C., & Meltzoff, A.N. (2021). Human infants can override possessive tendencies to share valued items with others. Scientific Reports, 11, 9635. Click here to receive a reprint
Wang, Z., Fong, F. T. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2021). Enhancing same‐gender imitation by highlighting gender norms in Chinese pre‐school children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 39, 133–152. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Meltzoff, A. N., Maddox, C. D., Nosek, B. A., Rudman, L. A., Devos, T., Dunham, Y., Baron, A. S., Steffens, M. C., Lane, K., Horcajo, J., Ashburn-Nardo, L., Quinby, A., Srivastava, S. B., Schmidt, K., Aidman, E., Tang, E., Farnham, S., Mellott, D. S., Banaji, M. R., & Greenwald, A. G. (2021). Meta-analytic use of balanced identity theory to validate the implicit association test. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47, 185–200. Click here to receive a reprint
Lee, C. D., Meltzoff, A. N., & Kuhl, P. K. (2020). The braid of human learning and development: Neuro-physiological processes and participation in cultural practices. In N. S. Nasir, C. D. Lee, R. Pea, & M. McKinney de Royston (Eds.), Handbook of the cultural foundations of learning (pp. 24–43). Routledge. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2020). Importance of body representations in social-cognitive development: New insights from infant brain science. In S. Hunnius & M. Meyer (Eds.), New perspectives on early social-cognitive development: Progress in brain research (Vol. 254, pp. 25–48). Elsevier. Click here to receive a reprint
Skinner, A. L., Olson, K. R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Acquiring group bias: Observing other people's nonverbal signals can create social group biases. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119, 824–828. Click here to receive a reprint
Barragan, R. C., Brooks, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Altruistic food sharing behavior by human infants after a hunger manipulation. Scientific Reports, 10, 1785. Click here to receive a reprint
Lee, C. D., Meltzoff, A. N., & Kuhl, P. K. (2020). The braid of human learning and development: Neuro-physiological processes and participation in cultural practices. In N. S. Nasir, C. D. Lee, R. Pea, & M. McKinney de Royston (Eds.), Handbook of the cultural foundations of learning (pp. 24–43). Routledge. Click here to receive a reprint
Ruba, A. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Repacholi, B. M. (2020). The development of negative event-emotion matching in infancy: Implications for theories in affective science. Affective Science, 1, 4–19. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Cultural stereotypes and sense of belonging contribute to gender gaps in STEM. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 12, 152–198. Click here to receive a reprint
Wang, Z., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Imitation in Chinese preschool children: Influence of prior self-experience and pedagogical cues on the imitation of novel acts in a non-western culture. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 662. Click here to receive a reprint
Marshall, P. J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Body maps in the infant brain: Implications for neurodevelopmental disabilities. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 62, 778–783 Click here to receive a reprint
Ruba, A. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Repacholi, B. M. (2020). Superordinate categorization of negative facial expressions in infancy: The influence of labels. Developmental Psychology, 56, 671–685. Click here to receive a reprint
Brooks, R., Singleton, J. L., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Enhanced gaze-following behavior in Deaf infants of Deaf parents. Developmental Science, 23, e12900. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Cvencek, D. (2019). How stereotypes shape children’s STEM identity and learning. In P. K. Kuhl, S-S. Lim, S. Guerriero, & D. Van Damme, (Eds.), Developing minds in the digital age: Towards a science of learning for 21st century education (pp. 37–47). Paris: OECD Publishing. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2018). Human infant imitation as a social survival circuit. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 24, 130–136. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. Ramírez, R. R., Saby, J. N., Larson, E., Taulu, S., & Marshall, P. J. (2018). Infant brain responses to felt and observed touch of hands and feet: An MEG study. Developmental Science, 21, e12651. Click here to receive a reprint
Loucks, J., Mutschler, C., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Children's representation and imitation of events: How goal organization influences 3-year-old children's memory for action sequences. Cognitive Science, 41, 1904–1933. Click here to receive a reprint
Rogers, L. O., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Is gender more important and meaningful than race? An analysis of racial and gender identity among Black, White, and Mixed-race children. Cultural Diverstiy and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 23, 323–334. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Williamson, R. A. (2017). Imitation and modeling. In: M. M. Haith & J. B. Benson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of infant and early childhood development: Reference module in neuroscience and biobehavioral psychology (pp. 1–10). London: Elsevier. Click here to receive a reprint
Skinner, A. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Olson, K. R. (2017). "Catching" social bias: Exposure to biased nonverbal signals creates social biases in preschool children. Psychological Science, 28, 216–224. Click here to receive a reprint
Rabinowitch, T., &Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Synchronized movement experience enhances peer cooperation in preschool children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 160, 21–32. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Cheryan, S., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Social group membership increases STEM engagement among preschoolers. Developmental Psychology, 53, 201–206. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Cheryan, S., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2016). Motivation and identity. In K. Wentzel & D. Miele (Eds.), Handbook of motivation at school (2nd edition, pp. 300–319). London: Taylor & Francis/Routledge. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Greenwald, A. G., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2016). Implicit measures for preschool children confirm self-esteem's role in maintaining a balanced identity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 62, 50–57. Click here to receive a reprint
Marshall, P. J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2015). Body maps in the infant brain. Trends in Cognitive Science, 19, 483–544. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (2013). Origins of social cognition: Bidirectional self-other mapping and the “Like-Me” hypothesis. In M. Banaji & S. Gelman (Eds.), Navigating the social world: What infants, children, and other species can teach us (pp. 139–144). New York: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Williamson, R. A. (2013). Imitation: Social, cognitive, and theoretical perspectives. In P. R. Zelazo (Ed.). Oxford handbook of developmental psychology (pp. 651–682). NY: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Moll, H., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2011). Perspective-taking and its foundation in joint attention. In N. Eilan, H. Lerman, & J. Roessler (Eds.), Perception, causation, and objectivity. Issues in philosophy and psychology (pp. 286–304). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (2011). Social cognition and the origins of imitation, empathy, and theory of mind. In U. Goswami (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of childhood cognitive development 2nd Edition (pp. 49–75). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., Kuhl, P. K., Movellan, J., & Sejnowski, T. J. (2009). Foundations for a new science of learning. Science, 325, 284–288. Click here to receive a reprint
Moore, M. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2009). Numerical identity and the development of object permanence. In S. P. Johnson (Ed.), Neoconstructivism: The new science of cognitive development (pp. 61–83). New York: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (2007). ‘Like me’: a foundation for social cognition. Developmental Science, 10, 126–134. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (2007). The ‘like me’ framework for recognizing and becoming an intentional agent. Acta Psychologica, 124, 26–43. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Moore, M. K. (1998). Object representation, identity, and the paradox of early permanence: Steps toward a new framework. Infant Behavior and Development, 21, 201–235. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (1990). Towards a developmental cognitive science: The implications of cross-modal matching and imitation for the development of representation and memory in infancy. In A. Diamond (Ed.), The development and neural bases of higher cognitive functions, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 608 (pp. 1–31). New York: New York Academy of Sciences. Click here to receive a reprint
Infant/Child Imitation and Memory Development
Action Imitation
Wang, Z., Fong, F. T. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Enhancing same‐gender imitation by highlighting gender norms in Chinese pre‐school children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 39, 133–152. Click here to receive a reprint
Wang, Z., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Imitation in Chinese preschool children: Influence of prior self-experience and pedagogical cues on the imitation of novel acts in a non-western culture. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 662. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2018). Human infant imitation as a social survival circuit. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 24, 130–136. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., Murray, L., Simpson, E., Heimann, M., Nagy, E., Nadel, J., Pedersen, E. J., Brooks, R., Messinger, D. S., De Pascalis, L., Subiaul, F., Paukner, A., & Ferrari, P. F. (2018). Re-examination of Oostenbroek et al. (2016): Evidence for neonatal imitation of tongue protrusion. Developmental Science, 21, e12609. Click here to receive a reprint
Loucks, J., Mutschler, C., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Children's representation and imitation of events: How goal organization influences 3-year-old children's memory for action sequences. Cognitive Science, 41, 1904–1933. Click here to receive a reprint
Repacholi, B. M., Meltzoff, A. N., Hennings, T. M., & Ruba, A. L. (2016). Transfer of social learning across contexts: Exploring infants’ attribution of trail-like emotions to adults. Infancy, 21, 785–806. Click here to receive a reprint
Repacholi, B. M., Meltzoff, A. N., Toub, T. S., & Ruba, A. L. (2016). Infants’ generalizations about other people’s emotions: Foundations for trait-like attributions. Developmental Psychology, 52, 364–378. Click here to receive a reprint
Wang, Z., Williamson, R. A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2015). Imitation as a mechanism in cognitive development: a cross-cultural investigation of 4-year-old children's rule learning. Frontiers in Pyschology, 6, 562. Click here to receive a reprint
Wang, Z., Meltzoff, A. N., & Williamson, R. A. (2015). Social learning promotes understanding of the physical world: Preschool children's imitation of weight sorting. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 136, 82–91. Click here to receive a reprint
Repacholi, B., Meltzoff, A. N., Rowe, H., & Toub, T. S. (2014). Infant, control thyself: Infants' integration of multiple social cues to regulate their imitative behavior. Cognitive Development, 32, 46–57. Click here to receive a reprint
Loucks, J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2013). Goals influence memory and imitation for dynamic human action in 36-month-old children. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54, 41–50. Click here to receive a reprint
Zack, E., Gerhardstein, P., Meltzoff, A. N., & Barr, R. (2013). 15-month-olds’ transfer of learning between touch screen and real world displays: Language cues and cognitive loads. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54, 20–25. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., Williamson, R. A., & Marshall, P. J. (2013). Developmental perspectives on action science: Lessons from infant imitation and cognitive neuroscience. In W. Prinz, M. Beisert, & A. Herwig (Eds.), Action science: Foundations of an emerging discipline (pp. 281–306). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Williamson, R. A. (2013). Imitation: Social, cognitive, and theoretical perspectives. In P. R. Zelazo (Ed.). Oxford handbook of developmental psychology (pp. 651-682). NY: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., Waismeyer, A., & Gopnik, A. (2012). Learning about causes from people: Observational causal learning in 24-month-old infants. Developmental Psychology, 48, 1215–1228. Click here to receive a reprint
Saby, J. N., Marshall, P. J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2012). Neural correlates of being imitated: An EEG study in preverbal infants. Social Neuroscience, 7, 650–661. Click here to receive a reprint
Williamson, R. A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2011). Own and others’ prior experiences influence children’s imitation of causal acts. Cognitive Development, 26, 260–268. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Williamson, R. A. (2010). The importance of imitation for theories of social-cognitive development. In G. Bremner & T. Wachs (Eds.), Handbook of infant development 2nd Edition (pp. 345–364). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Click here to receive a reprint
Williamson, R. A., Jaswal, V. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2010). Learning the rules: Observation and imitation of a sorting strategy by 36-month-old children. Developmental Psychology, 46, 57–65. Click here to receive a reprint
Zack, E., Barr, R., Gerhardstein, P., Dickerson, K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2009). Infant imitation from television using novel touch screen technology. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 27, 13–26. Click here to receive a reprint
Repacholi, B. M., Meltzoff, A. N., & Olsen, B. (2008). Infants' understanding of the link between visual perception and emotion: "If she can't see me doing it, she won't get angry". Developmental Psychology, 44, 561–574. Click here to receive a reprint
Williamson, R. A., Meltzoff, A. N., & Markman, E. M. (2008). Prior experiences and perceived efficacy influence 3-year-olds' imitation. Developmental Psychology, 44, 275–285. Click here to receive a reprint
Repacholi, B. M., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2007). Emotional eavesdropping: Infants selectively respond to indirect emotional signals. Child Development, 78, 503–521. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (2002). Elements of a developmental theory of imitation. In A. N. Meltzoff, & W. Prinz (Eds.), The imitative mind: Development, evolution, and brain bases (pp. 19–41). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Gleissner, B., Meltzoff, A. N., & Bekkering H. (2000). Children's coding of human action: Cognitive factors influencing imitation in 3-year-olds. Developmental Science, 3, 405–414. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Moore, M. K. (1999). Resolving the debate about early imitation. In A. Slater & D. Muir (Eds.), The Blackwell reader in developmental psychology (pp. 151–155). Oxford, England: Blackwell. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Moore, M. K. (1997). Explaining facial imitation: A theoretical model. Early Development and Parenting, 6, 79–192. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Moore, M. K. (1994). Imitation, memory, and the representation of persons. Infant Behavior and Development, 17, 83–99. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Moore, M. K. (1992). Early imitation within a functional framework: The importance of person identity, movement, and development. Infant Behavior and Development, 15, 479–505. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Moore, M. K. (1989). Imitation in newborn infants: Exploring the range of gestures imitated and the underlying mechanisms. Developmental Psychology, 25, 954–962. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (1985). Immediate and deferred imitation in fourteen- and twenty-four-month-old infants. Child Development, 56, 62–72. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Moore, M. K. (1983). Newborn infants imitate adult facial gestures. Child Development, 54, 702–709. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Moore, M. K. (1977). Imitation of facial and manual gestures by human neonates. Science, 198, 75–78. Click here to receive a reprint
Imitation and Memory
Loucks, J., Mutschler, C., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Children's representation and imitation of events: How goal organization influences 3-year-old children's memory for action sequences. Cognitive Science, 41, 1904–1933. Click here to receive a reprint
Loucks, J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2013). Goals influence memory and imitation for dynamic human action in 36-month-old children. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54, 41–50. Click here to receive a reprint
Heimann, M., Strid, K., Smith, L., Tjus, T., Ulvund, S. E., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2006). Exploring the relation between memory, gestural communication, and the emergence of language in infancy: A longitudinal study. Infant and Child Development, 15, 233–249. Click here to receive a reprint
Klein, P. J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1999). Long-term memory, forgetting, and deferred imitation in 12-month-old infants. Developmental Science, 2, 102–113. Click here to receive a reprint
Barnat, S. B., Klein, P. J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1996). Deferred imitation across changes in context and object: Memory and generalization in 14-month-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 19, 241–251. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (1995). What infant memory tells us about infantile amnesia: Long-term recall and deferred imitation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 59, 497–515. Click here to receive a reprint
Hanna, E., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1993). Peer imitation by toddlers in laboratory, home, and day-care contexts: Implications for social learning and memory. Developmental Psychology, 29, 701–710. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (1988). Infant imitation and memory: Nine-month-olds in immediate and deferred tests. Child Development, 59, 217–225. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (1988). Imitation of televised models by infants. Child Development, 59, 1221–1229. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (1988). Infant imitation after a 1-week delay: Long-term memory for novel acts and multiple stimuli. Developmental Psychology, 24, 470–476. Click here to receive a reprint
Vocal Imitation
Conboy, C. T., Brooks, R., Meltzoff, A. N., & Kuhl, P. K. (2015). Social interactions in infants' learning of second-language phonetics: An exploration of brain-behavior relations. Developmental Neuropsychology, 40, 216–229. Click here to receive a reprint
Kuhl, P. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1996). Infant vocalizations in response to speech: Vocal imitation and developmental change. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 100, 2425–2438. Click here to receive a reprint
Neural Correlates of Imitation
Lin, J.-F. L., Imada, T., Meltzoff, A. N., Hiraishi, H., Ikeda, T., Takahashi, T., Hasegawa, C., Yoshimura, Y., Kikuchi, M., Hirata, M., Minabe, Y., Asada, M., & Kuhl, P. K. (2022). Dual-MEG interbrain synchronization during turn-taking verbal interactions between mothers and children. Cerebral Cortex, 33, 4116-4134. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2020). Importance of body representations in social-cognitive development: New insights from infant brain science. In S. Hunnius & M. Meyer (Eds.), New perspectives on early social-cognitive development: Progress in brain research (Vol. 254, pp. 25–48). Elsevier. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2018). Human infant imitation as a social survival circuit. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 24, 130–136. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. Ramírez, R. R., Saby, J. N., Larson, E., Taulu, S., & Marshall, P. J. (2018). Infant brain responses to felt and observed touch of hands and feet: An MEG study. Developmental Science, 21, e12651. Click here to receive a reprint
Marshall, P. J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2015). Body maps in the infant brain. Trends in Cognitive Science, 19, 483–544. Click here to receive a reprint
Marshall, P. J. & Meltzoff, A. N. (2014). Neural mirroring mechanisms and imitation in human infants. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B, 369:20130620. Click here to receive a reprint
Marshall, P. J., Saby, J. N., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2013). Imitation and the developing social brain: Infants’ somatotopic EEG patterns for acts of self and other. International Journal of Psychological Research, 6, 22–29. Click here to receive a reprint
Saby, J. N., Marshall, P. J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2012). Neural correlates of being imitated: An EEG study in preverbal infants. Social Neuroscience, 7, 650–661. Click here to receive a reprint
Decety, J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2011). Empathy, imitation, and the social brain. In A. Copland & P. Goldie (Eds.), Empathy: Philosophical and psychological perspectives (pp. 58–81). New York: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Decety, J. (2003). What imitation tells us about social cognition: A rapprochement between developmental psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, 358, 491–500. Click here to receive a reprint
Theory of Mind
Barragan, R.C., & Meltzoff, A.N. (2021). Human infants can override possessive tendencies to share valued items with others. Scientific Reports, 11, 9635. Click here to receive a reprint
Ruba, A. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Repacholi, B. M. (2020). The development of negative event-emotion matching in infancy: Implications for theories in affective science. Affective Science, 1, 4–19. Click here to receive a reprint
Ruba, A. L., Meltzoff, A. N., Repacholi, B. R. (2019). How do you feel? Preverbal infants match negative emotions to events. Developmental Psychology. 55, 1138–1149. Click here to receive a reprint
Repacholi, B. M., Meltzoff, A. N., Hennings, T. M., & Ruba, A. L. (2016). Transfer of social learning across contexts: Exploring infants’ attribution of trail-like emotions to adults. Infancy, 21, 785–806. Click here to receive a reprint
Repacholi, B. M., Meltzoff, A. N., Toub, T. S., & Ruba, A. L. (2016). Infants’ generalizations about other people’s emotions: Foundations for trait-like attributions. Developmental Psychology, 52, 364–378. Click here to receive a reprint
Williamson, R. A., Brooks, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2015). The sound of social cognition: Toddlers' Understanding of how sound influences others. Journal of Cognition and Development, 6, 252–260. Click here to receive a reprint
Brooks, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2015). Connecting the dots from infancy to childhood: A longitudinal study connecting gaze following, language, and explicit theory of mind. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 130, 67–78. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Gopnik, A. (2013). Learning about the mind from evidence: Children's development ofintuitive theories ofperception and personality. In S. Baron-Cohen, H. Tager-Flausber, & M. Lombardo (Eds.), Understanding other minds 3rd Edition (pp. 19–34). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Sommerville, J. A., Bernstein, D. M., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2013). Measuring beliefs in centimeters: Private knowlege biases preschoolers' and adults' representation of others' beliefs. Child Development, 84, 1846–1854. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (2011). Social cognition and the origins of imitation, empathy, and theory of mind. In U. Goswami (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of childhood cognitive development 2nd Edition (pp. 49–75). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Click here to receive a reprint
Russell, J., Cheke, L. G., Clayton, N. S., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2011). What can What-When-Where (WWW) binding tasks tell us about young children’s episodic foresight? Theory and two experiments. Cognitive Development, 26, 356–370. Click here to receive a reprint
Moll, H., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2011). How does it look? Level 2 perspective-taking at 36 months of age. Child Development, 82, 661–673. Click here to receive a reprint
Atance, C. M, Bélanger, M., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2010). Preschoolers' understanding of others' desires: Fulfilling mine enhances my understanding of yours. Developmental Psychology, 46, 1505–1513. Click here to receive a reprint
Atance, C. M., Bernstein, D. M., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2010). Thinking about false belief: It's not just what children say, but how long it takes them to say it. Cognition, 116, 297–301. Click here to receive a reprint
Amsterlaw, J., Lagattuta, K. H., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2009). Young children’s reasoning about the effects of emotional and physiological states on academic performance. Child Development, 80, 115–133. Click here to receive a reprint
Liu, D., Meltzoff, A. N., & Wellman, H. M. (2009). Neural correlates of belief– and desire–reasoning. Child Development, 80, 1163–1171. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Brooks, R. (2008). Self-experience as a mechanism for learning about others: A training study in social cognition. Developmental Psychology, 44, 1257–1265. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (2007). ‘Like me’: a foundation for social cognition. Developmental Science, 10, 126–134. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (2007). The ‘like me’ framework for recognizing and becoming an intentional agent. Acta Psychologica, 124, 26–43. Click here to receive a reprint
Atance, C. M., Bernstein, D. M., Meltzoff, A. N., & Loftus, G. R. (2007). Hindsight bias and developing theories of mind. Child Development, 78, 1374–1394. Click here to receive a reprint
Atance, C. M., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2006). Preschoolers’ Current Desires Warp Their Choices for the Future. Psychological Science, 17, 583–587. Click here to receive a reprint
Atance, C. M., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2005). My future self: Young children's ability to anticipate and explain future states. Cognitive Development, 20, 341–361. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Brooks, R. (2001). "Like me" as a building block for understanding other minds: Bodily acts, attention, and intention. In B. F. Malle, L. J. Moses, & D. A. Baldwin (Eds.), Intentions and intentionality: Foundations of social cognition (pp. 171–191). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (1999). Origins of theory of mind, cognition and communication. Journal of Communication Disorders, 32, 251–269. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., Gopnik, A., & Repacholi, B. M. (1999). Toddlers' understanding of intentions, desires, and emotions: Explorations of the dark ages. In P. D. Zelazo, J. W. Astington, & D. R. Olson (Eds.), Developing theories of intention: Social understanding and self-control (pp. 17–41). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Moore, M. K. (1998). Infant intersubjectivity: broadening the dialogue to include imitation, identity and intention. In S. Bråten (Ed.), Intersubjective communication and emotion in early ontogeny (pp. 47–62). New York: Cambridge University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (1995). Understanding the intentions of others: Re-enactment of intended acts by 18-month-old children. Developmental Psychology, 31, 838–850. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. & Moore, M. K. (1995). Infants' understanding of people and things: From body imitation to folk psychology. In J. L. Bermúdez, A. J. Marcel, & N. Eilan (Eds.), The body and the self (pp. 43–69). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Gopnik, A., Slaughter, V., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1994). Changing your views: How understanding visual perception can lead to a new theory of the mind. In C. Lewis & P. Mitchell (Eds.), Children's early understanding of mind: Origins and development (pp. 157–181). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Gopnik, A. (1993). The role of imitation in understanding persons and developing a theory of mind. In S. Baron-Cohen, H. Tager-Flusberg, & D. J. Cohen (Eds.), Understanding other minds: Perspectives from autism (pp. 335–366). New York: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (1990). Foundations for developing a concept of self: The role of imitation in relating self to other and the value of social mirroring, social modeling, and self-practice in infancy. In D. Cicchetti & M. Beeghly (Eds.), The self in transition: Infancy to childhood (pp. 139–164). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Social and Cognitive Neuroscience
Bosseler, A. N., Meltzoff, A. N., Bierer, S., Huber, E., Mizrahi, J. C., Larson, E., Endevelt-Shapira, Y., Taulu, S., & Kuhl, P. K. (2024). Infants’ brain responses to social interaction predict future language growth. Current Biology, Advance online publication. Click here to receive a reprint
Clarke, M. D., Bosseler, A. N., Mizrahi, J. C., Peterson, E. R., Larson, E., Meltzoff, A. N., Kuhl, P. K., & Taulu, S. (2022). Infant brain imaging using magnetoencephalography: Challenges, solutions, and best practices. Human Brain Mapping, Advance online publication. | Click here to receive a reprint
Shen, G., Weiss, S. M., Meltzoff, A. N., Allison, O. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2021). Exploring developmental changes in infant anticipation and perceptual processing: EEG responses to tactile stimulation. Infancy, 27, 94–114. Click here to receive a reprint
Weissman, D. G., Rodman, A. M., Rosen, M. L., Kasparek, S., Mayes, M., Sheridan, M. A., Lengua, L. J., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2021). Contributions of emotion regulation and brain structure and function to adolescent internalizing problems and stress vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science, 1, 272–282. | Click here to receive a reprint
Rosen, M. L., Lurie, L. A., Sambrook, K. A., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2021). Neural mechanisms underlying the income-achievement gap: The role of the ventral visual stream. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 52, 101025. | Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2020). Importance of body representations in social-cognitive development: New insights from infant brain science. In S. Hunnius & M. Meyer (Eds.), New perspectives on early social-cognitive development: Progress in brain research (Vol. 254, pp. 25–48). Elsevier. Click here to receive a reprint
Shen, G., Meltzoff, A. N., Weiss, S. M., & Marshall, P. J. (2020). Body representation in infants: Categorical boundaries of body parts as assessed by somatosensory mismatch negativity. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 44, 100795. Click here to receive a reprint
Marshall, P. J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Body maps in the infant brain: Implications for neurodevelopmental disabilities. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 62, 778–783. Click here to receive a reprint
Rosen, M. L., Hagen, M. P., Lurie, L. A., Miles, Z. E., Sheridan, M. A., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2020). Cognitive stimulation as a mechanism linking socioeconomic status with executive function: A longitudinal investigation. Child Development, 91, e762–e779. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., Saby, J. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2019). Neural representations of the body in 60-day-old human infants. Developmental Science, 22, e12698. Click here to receive a reprint
Weiss, S. M., Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2018). Neural measures of anticipatory bodily attention in children: Relations with executive function. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 34, 148–158. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2018). Human infant imitation as a social survival circuit. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 24, 130–136. Click here to receive a reprint
Shen, G., Weiss, S. M., Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2018) The somatosensory mismatch negativity as a window into body representations in infancy. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 134, 144–150. Click here to receive a reprint
Shen, G., Smyk, N. J., Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2018). Neuropsychology of human body parts: Exploring categorical boundaries of tactile perception using somatosensory mismatch responses. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,30, 1858–1869. Click here to receive a reprint
Rosen, M. L., Sheridan, S. A., Sambrook, K. A., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2018). Socioeconomic disparities in academic achievement: A multi-modal investigation of neural mechanisms in children and adolescents. NeuroImage,173, 298–310. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. Ramírez, R. R., Saby, J. N., Larson, E., Taulu, S., & Marshall, P. J. (2018). Infant brain responses to felt and observed touch of hands and feet: An MEG study. Developmental Science, 21, e12651. Click here to receive a reprint
Shen, G., Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2018). Touching lips and hearing fingers: Effector-specific congruency between tactile and auditory stimulation modulates N1 amplitude and alpha desynchronization. Experimental Brain Research, 236, 13–29. Click here to receive a reprint
Rosen, M. L., Sheridan, M. A., Sambrook, K. A., Dennison, M. J., Jenness, J. L., Askren, M. K., Meltzoff, A. N., McLaughlin, K. A. (2018). Salience network responses to changes in emotional expressions of others is heightened during adolescence: Relevance for social functioning. Developmental Science, 21, e12571. Click here to receive a reprint
Shen, G., Smyk, N., Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2018). Using somatosensory mismatch responses as a window into somatotopic processing of tactile stimuli. Psychophysiology, 55, e13030. Click here to receive a reprint
Rosen, M. L., Sheridan, M. A., Sambrook, K. A., Peverill, M. R., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2018). The role of visual association cortex in associative memory formation across development. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30, 365–380. Click here to receive a reprint
Saby, J. N., Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2016). Beyond the N1: A review of late somatosensory evoked responses in human infants. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 110, 146–152. Click here to receive a reprint
Conboy, B. T., Brooks, R., Meltzoff, A. N., & Kuhl, P. K. (2015). Social interaction infants' learning of second-language phonetics: An exploration of brain-behavior relations. Developmental Neuropsychology, 40, 216–229. Click here to receive a reprint
Marshall, P. J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2015). Body maps in the infant brain. Trends in Cognitive Science, 19, 483–544. Click here to receive a reprint
Saby, J. N., Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2015). Neural body maps in human infants: Somatotopic responses to tactile stimulation in 7-month-olds. NeuroImage, 118, 74–78. Click here to receive a reprint
Marshall, P. J. & Meltzoff, A. N. (2014). Neural mirroring mechanisms and imitation in human infants. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B, 369:20130620. Click here to receive a reprint
Harms, M., Zyas, V., Meltzoff, A. N., & Carlson, S. (2014). Stability of executive function and predictions to adaptive behavior from middle childhood to pre-adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:331. Click here to receive a reprint
Saby, J. N., Meltzoff, A. N., & Marshall, P. J. (2013). Infants’ somatotopic neural responses to seeing human actions: I’ve got you under my skin. PLoS ONE, 8(10):e77905. Click here to receive a reprint
Marshall, P. J., Saby, J. N., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2013). Imitation and the developing social brain: Infants’ somatotopic EEG patterns for acts of self and other. International Journal of Psychological Research, 6, 22–29. Click here to receive a reprint
Marshall, P. J., Meltzoff, A. N., & Saby, J. N. (2013). Infant brain responses to object weight: Exploring goal-directed actions and self-experience. Infancy, 18, 942–960. Click here to receive a reprint
Zalewski, M., Lengua, L., Fisher, P. A., Trancik, A., Bush, N., & Meltzoff, A. N., (2012). Poverty and single parenting: Relations with preschoolers’ cortisol and effortful control. Infant and Child Development, 21, 537–554. Click here to receive a reprint
Saby, J. N., Marshall, P. J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2012). Neural correlates of being imitated: An EEG study in preverbal infants. Social Neuroscience, 7, 650–661. Click here to receive a reprint
Bowman, L. C., Liu, D., Meltzoff, A. N., & Wellman, H. M. (2012). Neural correlates of belief- and desire-reasoning in 7- and 8-year-old children: an event-related potential study. Developmental Science, 15, 618–632. Click here to receive a reprint
Decety, J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2011). Empathy, imitation, and the social brain. In A. Copland & P. Goldie (Eds.), Empathy: Philosophical and psychological perspectives (pp. 58–81). New York: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Marshall, P. J., Young, T., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2011). Neural correlates of action observation and execution in 14-month-old infants: An event-related EEG desynchronization study. Developmental Science, 14, 474–480. Click here to receive a reprint
Marshall, P. J., & Meltzoff. A. N. (2011). Neural mirroring systems: Exploring the EEG mu rhythm in human infancy. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 1, 110–123. Click here to receive a reprint
Liu, D., Meltzoff, A. N., & Wellman, H. M. (2009). Neural correlates of belief- and desire-reasoning. Child Development, 80, 1163–1171. Click here to receive a reprint
Lamm, C., Meltzoff. A. N., & Decety, J. (2009). How do we empathize with someone who is not like us? A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 362–376. Click here to receive a reprint
Raizada, R. S., Richards, T. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Kuhl, P. K. (2008). Socioeconomic status predicts hemispheric specialisation of the left inferior frontal gyrus in young children. NeuroImage, 40, 1392–1401. Click here to receive a reprint
Lamm, C., Nusbaum, H. C., Meltzoff. A. N., & Decety, J. (2007). What are you feeling? Using functional magnetic resonance imaging to assess the modulation of sensory and affective responses during empathy for pain. PLoS ONE, 2:e1292. Click here to receive a reprint
Cheng Y., Meltzoff, A. N., & Decety, J. (2007). Motivation modulates the activity of the human mirror-neuron system. Cerebral Cortex, 17, 1979–1986. Click here to receive a reprint
Jackson, P. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Decety, J. (2006). Neural circuits involved in imitation and perspective-taking. NeuroImage, 31, 429–439. Click here to receive a reprint
Carver, L. J., Meltzoff, A. N., & Dawson, G. (2006). Event-related potential (ERP) indices of infants' recognition of familiar and unfamiliar objects in two and three dimensions. Developmental Science, 9, 51–62. Click here to receive a reprint
Jackson, P. L., Brunet, E., Meltzoff, A. N., & Decety, J. (2006). Empathy examined through the neural mechanisms involved in imagining how I feel versus how you feel pain. Neuropsychologia, 44, 752–761. Click here to receive a reprint
Jackson, P. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Decety, J. (2005). How do we perceive the pain of others? A window into the neural processes involved in empathy. NeuroImage, 24, 771–779. Click here to receive a reprint
Chaminade, T., Meltzoff, A. N., & Decety, J. (2005). An fMRI study of imitation: Action representation and body schema. Neuropsychologia, 43, 115–127. Click here to receive a reprint
Aylward, E. H., Park, J. E., Field, K. M., Parsons, A. C., Richards, T. L., Cramer, S. C., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2005). Brain activation during face perception: Evidence of a developmental change. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17, 308–319. Click here to receive a reprint
Decety, J., Jackson, P. L., Sommerville, J., Chaminade, T., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2004). The neural bases of cooperation and competition: an fMRI investigation. NeuroImage, 23, 744–751. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Decety, J. (2003). What imitation tells us about social cognition: A rapprochement between developmental psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, 358, 491–500. Click here to receive a reprint
Blakemore, S-J., Boyer, P., Pachot-Clouard, M., Meltzoff, A. N., Segebarth, C., & Decety, J. (2003). The detection of contingency and animacy from simple animations in the human brain. Cerebral Cortex, 13, 837–844. Click here to receive a reprint
Carver, L., Dawson, G., Panagiotides, H., Meltzoff, A. N., McPartland, J., Gray, J., & Munson, J. (2003). Age-related differences in neural correlates of face recognition during the toddler and preschool years. Developmental Psychobiology, 42,148–159. Click here to receive a reprint
Decety, J., Chaminade, T., Grèzes, J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2002). A PET exploration of the neural mechanisms involved in reciprocal imitation. NeuroImage, 15, 265–272. Click here to receive a reprint
Chaminade, T., Meltzoff, A. N., & Decety, J. (2002). Does the end justify the means? A PET exploration of the mechanisms involved in human imitation. NeuroImage, 15, 318–328. Click here to receive a reprint
Blakemore, S-J., Fonlupt, P., Pachot-Clouard, M., Darmon, C., Boyer, P., Meltzoff, A. N., Segebarth, C., & Decety, J. (2001). How the brain perceives causality: An event-related fMRI study. NeuroReport, 12, 3741–3746. Click here to receive a reprint
Joint Attention
Brooks, R., Singleton, J. L., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Enhanced gaze-following behavior in Deaf infants of Deaf parents. Developmental Science, 23, e12900. Click here to receive a reprint
Brooks, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2015). Connecting the dots from infancy to childhood: A longitudinal study connecting gaze following, language, and explicit theory of mind. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 67–78. Click here to receive a reprint
Brooks, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2013). Gaze following: A mechanism for building social connections between infants and adults. In M. Mikulincer & P. R. Shaver (Eds.), Mechanisms of social connection: From brain to group (pp. 167–183). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Click here to receive a reprint
Moll, H., Meltzoff, A. N., Merzsch, K., & Tomasello, M. (2013). Taking versus confronting perspectives in preschool children. Developmental Psychology, 49, 646–654. Click here to receive a reprint
Moll, H., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2011). How does it look? Level 2 perspective-taking at 36 months of age. Child Development, 82, 661–673. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., Brooks, R., Shon, A. P., & Rao, R. P. N. (2010). “Social” robots are psychological agents for infants: A test of gaze following. Neural Networks, 23, 966–972. Click here to receive a reprint
Brooks, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2008). Infant gaze following and pointing predict accelerated vocabulary growth through two years of age: A longitudinal, growth curve modeling study. Journal of Child Language, 35, 207–220. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Brooks, R. (2007). Eyes wide shut: The importance of eyes in infant gaze following and understanding other minds. In R. Flom, K. Lee, & D. Muir (Eds.), Gaze following: Its development and significance (pp. 217–241). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Click here to receive a reprint
Brooks, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2005). The development of gaze following and its relation to language. Developmental Science, 8, 535–543. Click here to receive a reprint
Brooks, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2002). The importance of eyes: How infants interpret adult looking behavior. Developmental Psychology, 38, 958–966. Click here to receive a reprint
Stereotypes & Identity Studies: Bridging Social & Developmental Psychology
Cvencek, D., Sanders, E. A., del Río, M. F., Susperreguy, M. I., Strasser, K., Brečić, R., Gaćeša, D., Skala, D., Tomasetto, C., Galdi, S., Cadinu, M., Kapur, M., Passolunghi, M. C., Rueda Ferreira, T. I., Mirisola, A., Mariani, B., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2024). National disparities favoring males are reflected in girls’ implicit associations about gender and academic subjects. Developmental Psychology, Advance online publication. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Gilliam, W. S. (2024). Young children & implicit racial biases. Daedalus, 153, 65-83. Click here to receive a reprint
Cortes Barragan, R., Brooks, R., Sanders, E. A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2024). Prosociality in young Latinx children: Exploring the role of grandparents. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 12, 79-99. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Meltzoff, A. N., & Cheryan, S. (2021). Gender stereotypes about interests start early and cause gender disparities in computer science and engineering. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2100030118. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Brečić, R., Gaćeša, D., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2021). Development of math attitudes and math self-concepts: Gender differences, implicit–explicit dissociations, and relations to math achievement. Child Development, 92, e940–e956. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Meltzoff, A. N., Maddox, C. D., Nosek, B. A., Rudman, L. A., Devos, T., Dunham, Y., Baron, A. S., Steffens, M. C., Lane, K., Horcajo, J., Ashburn-Nardo, L., Quinby, A., Srivastava, S. B., Schmidt, K., Aidman, E., Tang, E., Farnham, S., Mellott, D. S., Banaji, M. R., & Greenwald, A. G. (2021). Meta-analytic use of balanced identity theory to validate the implicit association test. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47, 185–200. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Paz-Albo, J., Master, A., Herranz Llácer, C. V., Hervás-Escobar, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Math is for me: A field intervention to strengthen math self-concepts in Spanish-speaking 3rd grade children. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 593995. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Greenwald, A. G., McLaughlin, K. A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Early implicit–explicit discrepancies in self-esteem as correlates of childhood depressive symptoms. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 200, 104962. Click here to receive a reprint
Skinner, A. L., Olson, K. R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Acquiring group bias: Observing other people's nonverbal signals can create social group biases. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119, 824–828. Click here to receive a reprint
Lee, C. D., Meltzoff, A. N., & Kuhl, P. K. (2020). The braid of human learning and development: Neuro-physiological processes and participation in cultural practices. In N. S. Nasir, C. D. Lee, R. Pea, & M. McKinney de Royston (Eds.), Handbook of the cultural foundations of learning (pp. 24–43). Routledge. Click here to receive a reprint
del Río, M. F., Susperreguy, M. I., Strasser, K., Cvencek, D., Iturra, C., Gallardo, I., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2021). Early sources of children’s math achievement in Chile: The role of parental beliefs and feelings about math. Early Education and Development, 32, 637–652. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Cultural stereotypes and sense of belonging contribute to gender gaps in STEM. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 12, 152–198. Click here to receive a reprint
Skinner, A. L., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2019). Childhood experiences and intergroup biases among children. Social Issues and Policy Review,13, 211–240. Click here to receive a reprint
del Río, M. F., Strasser, K., Cvencek, D., Susperreguy, M. I., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2019). Chilean kindergarten children’s beliefs about mathematics: Family matters. Developmental Psychology, 55, 687–702. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Fryberg, S. A., Covarrubias, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2018). Self-concepts, self-esteem, and academic achievement of minority and majority North American elementary school children. Child Development, 89, 1099–1109. Click here to receive a reprint
Skinner, A. L., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). How societal prejudices seep into the minds of our children. UNESCO IBE In Focus: Education & the Future. 98–101. Click here to receive a reprint
Rogers, L. O., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Is gender more important and meaningful than race? An analysis of racial and gender identity among Black, White, and Mixed-race children. Cultural Diverstiy and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 23, 323–334. Click here to receive a reprint
Skinner, A. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Olson, K. R. (2017). "Catching" social bias: Exposure to biased nonverbal signals creates social biases in preschool children. Psychological Science, 28, 216–224. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Cheryan, S., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Social group membership increases STEM engagement among preschoolers. Developmental Psychology, 53, 201–206. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Cheryan, S., Moscatelli, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Programming experience promotes higher STEM motivation among first-grade girls. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,160, 92–106. Click here to receive a reprint
Prieto, J. P., Cvencek, D., Llacer, C. V. H., Escobar, A. H., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Preschoolers’ mathematical play and colour preferences: A new window into the development of gendered beliefs about math. Early Child Development and Care, 187, 1273–1283. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Meltzoff, A. N. (2016). Building bridges between psychological science and education: Cultural stereotypes, STEM, and equity. Prospects. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Meltzoff, A. N., & Lent, R. (2016). Neuroscience, psychology, and society. Translating research to improve learning. Prospects, 46, 191–198. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Cheryan, S., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2016). Computing whether she belongs: Stereotypes undermine girls' interest and sense of belonging in computer science. Journal of Educational Psychology, 108, 424–437. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Greenwald, A. G., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2016). Implicit measures for preschool children confirm self-esteem's role in maintaining a balanced identity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 62, 50–57. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Kapur, M. & Meltzoff, A. N. (2015). Math achievement, stereotypes, and math self-concepts among elementary-school students in Singapore. Learning and Instruction, 39, 1–10. Click here to receive a reprint
Cheryan, S., Master, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2015). Cultural stereotypes as gatekeepers: increasing girls' interest in computer science and engineering by diversifying stereotypes. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1–8. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Nasir, N. S., O'Connor, K. O., Wischina, S., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2014). The development of math-race stereotypes: "They say Chinese people are the best at math.’ Journal of Research on Adolescence, 25, 630–637. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Cheryan, S., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2014). Reducing adolescent girls' concerns about STEM stereotypes: When do female teachers matter? International Review of Social Psychology, 27, 79–102. Click here to receive a reprint
Baron, A. S., Schmader, T., Cvencek, D., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2014). The gendered self-concept: How implicit gender stereotypes and attitudes shape self-definition. In P. J. Leman & H. R. Tenenbaum (Eds.), Gender and Development (pp. 109–132). Click here to receive a reprint
Cheryan, S., Ziegler, S. A., Plaut, V. C., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2014). Designing classrooms to maximize student achievement. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1, 4–12. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Kapur, M., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2014). Cognitive consistency and math-gender stereotypes in Singaporean children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 117, 73–91. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Greenwald, A. G., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2012). Balanced identity theory: Review of evidence for implicit consistency in social cognition. In B. Gawronski & F. Strack (Eds.), Cognitive Consistency: A Fundamental Principle in Social Cognition, (pp. 157–177). The Guilford Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Cheryan, S., Meltzoff, A. N., & Kim, S. (2011). Classrooms matter: The design of virtual classrooms influences gender disparities in computer science classes. Computers & Education, 57, 1825–1835. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Meltzoff, A. N., & Greenwald, A. G. (2011). Math-gender stereotypes in elementary-school children. Child Development, 82, 766–779. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Greenwald, A. G., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2011). Measuring implicit attitudes of 4-year-olds: The preschool implicit association test. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 109, 187–200. Click here to receive a reprint
Amsterlaw, J., Lagattuta, K. H., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2009). Young children’s reasoning about the effects of emotional and physiological states on academic performance. Child Development, 80, 115–133. Click here to receive a reprint
Interdisciplinary Cognitive Science and Robotics
Boucenna, S., Cohen, D., Meltzoff, A. N., Gaussier, P., & Chetouani, M. (2016). Robots learn to recognize individuals from imitative encounters with people and avatars. Scientific Reports, 1–10, 19908. Click here to receive a reprint
Chung, M. J-Y., Friesen, A. L., Fox, D., Meltzoff, A. N., & Rao, R. P. N. (2015). A bayesian developmental approach to robotic goal-based imitation learning. PLoS ONE, 10, 1–18. Click here to receive a reprint
Bernstein, D. M., Erdfelder, E., Meltzoff, A. N., Peria, W., & Loftus, G. R. (2011). Hindsight bias from 3 to 95 years of age. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 37, 378–391. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., Brooks, R., Shon, A. P., & Rao, R. P. N. (2010). "Social" robots are psychological agents for infants: A test of gaze following. Neural Networks, 23, 966–972. Click here to receive a reprint
Kaipa, K. N., Bongard, J. C., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2010). Self discovery enables robot social cognition: Are you my teacher? Neural Networks, 23, 1113–1124. Click here to receive a reprint
Demiris, Y., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2008). The robot in the crib: A developmental analysis of imitation skills in infants and robots. Infant and Child Development, 17, 43–53. Click here to receive a reprint
Rao, R. P. N., Shon, A. P., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2007). A Bayesian model of imitation in infants and robots. In C. L. Nehaniv & K. Dautenhahn (Eds.), Imitation and social learning in robots, humans, and animals: Behavioural, social and communicative dimensions (pp. 217–247). New York: Cambridge University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Shon. A. P., Storz, J. J., Meltzoff, A. N., & Rao, R. P. N. (2007) A cognitive model of imitative development in humans and machines. International Journal of Humanoid Robots, 4, 387–406. Click here to receive a reprint
Bernstein, D. M., Atance, C., Meltzoff, A. N., & Loftus, G. R. (2007). Hindsight bias and developing theories of mind. Child Development, 78, 1374–1394. Click here to receive a reprint
Buchsbaum, D., Blumberg, B., Breazeal, C., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2005). A simulation-theory inspired social learning system for interactive characters. Paper presented at the 14th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO–MAN 2005), Nashville, TN. Click here to receive a reprint
Bernstein, D. M., Loftus, G. R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2005). Object identification in preschool children and adults. Developmental Science, 8, 151–161. Click here to receive a reprint
Bernstein, D. M., Atance, C., Loftus, G., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2004). We saw it all along: Visual hindsight bias in children and adults. Psychological Science, 15, 264–267. Click here to receive a reprint
Causal Learning
Wang, Z., Williamson, R. A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2018). Preschool physics: Using the invisible property of weight in causal reasoning tasks. PLoS ONE, 13, e0192054. Click here to receive a reprint
Waismeyer, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Learning to make things happen: Infants' observational learning of social and physical causal events. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 162, 58–71. Click here to receive a reprint
Waismeyer, A., Meltzoff, A. N., & Gopnik, A. (2015). Causal learning from probabilistic events in 24-month olds: an action measure. Developmental Science, 18, 175–182. Click here to receive a reprint
Wang, Z., Williamson, R. A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2015). Imitation as a mechanism in cognitive development: a cross-cultural investigation of 4-year-old children's rule learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 562. Click here to receive a reprint
Wang, Z., Meltzoff, A. N., & Williamson, R. A. (2015). Social learning promotes understanding of the physical world: Preschool children's imitation of weight sorting. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 136, 82–91. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., Waismeyer, A., & Gopnik, A. (2012). Learning about causes from people: Observational causal learning in 24-month-old infants. Developmental Psychology, 48, 1215–1228. Click here to receive a reprint
Bonawitz, E. B., Ferranti, D., Saxe, R., Gopnik, A., Meltzoff, A. N., Woodward, J., & Schulz, L. E. (2010). Just do it? Investigating the gap between prediction and action in toddlers' causal inferences. Cognition, 115, 104–117. Click here to receive a reprint
Sobel, D. M., Yoachim, C. M., Gopnik, A., Meltzoff, A. N., & Blumenthal, E. J. (2007). The blicket within: Preschoolers' inferences about insides and causes. Journal of Cognition and Development, 8, 159–182. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (2007). Infants’ causal learning: Intervention, observation, imitation. In A. Gopnik & L. Schulz (Eds.), Causal learning: Psychology, philosophy, and computation (pp. 37–47). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (2007). The ‘like me’ framework for recognizing and becoming an intentional agent. Acta Psychologica, 124, 26–43. Click here to receive a reprint
Blakemore, S-J., Fonlupt, P., Pachot-Clouard, M., Darmon, C., Boyer, P., Meltzoff, A. N., Segebarth, C., & Decety, J. (2001). How the brain perceives causality: An event-related fMRI study. NeuroReport, 12, 3741–3746. Click here to receive a reprint
Emotions and Affect Science
Ruba, A. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Repacholi, B. M. (2021). Linguistic and developmental influences on superordinate facial configuration categorization in infancy. Infancy, 26, 857–876. Click here to receive a reprint
Ruba, A. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Repacholi, B. M. (2020). The development of negative event-emotion matching in infancy: Implications for theories in affective science. Affective Science, 1, 4–19. Click here to receive a reprint
Ruba, A. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Repacholi, B. M. (2020). Superordinate categorization of negative facial expressions in infancy: The influence of labels. Developmental Psychology, 56, 671–685. Click here to receive a reprint
Ruba, A. L., Meltzoff, A. N., Repacholi, B. R. (2019). How do you feel? Preverbal infants match negative emotions to events. Developmental Psychology. 55, 1138–1149. Click here to receive a reprint
Repacholi, B. M., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2018). The web of emotion understanding in human infants. In A. S. Fox, R. C. Lapate, A. J. Shackman, & R. J. Davidson (Eds.), The nature of emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd ed., pp. 264-268). Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Repacholi, B. M., Meltzoff, A. N., Hennings, T. M., & Ruba, A. L. (2016). Transfer of social learning across contexts: Exploring infants’ attribution of trail-like emotions to adults. Infancy, 21, 785–806. Click here to receive a reprint
Repacholi, B., Meltzoff, A. N., Rowe, H., & Toub, T. S. (2014). Infant, control thyself: Infants' integration of multiple social cues to regulate their imitative behavior. Cognitive Development, 32, 46–57. Click here to receive a reprint
Repacholi, B. M., Meltzoff, A. N., & Olsen, B. (2008). Infants' understanding of the link between visual perception and emotion: "If she can't see me doing it, she won't get angry". Developmental Psychology, 44, 561–574. Click here to receive a reprint
Repacholi, B. M., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2007). Emotional eavesdropping: Infants selectively respond to indirect emotional signals. Child Development, 78, 503–521. Click here to receive a reprint
Object Permanence and Object Identity
Moore, M. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2009). Numerical identity and the development of object permanence. In S. P. Johnson (Ed.), Neoconstructivism (pp. 61–83). New York: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Moore, M. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2008). Factors affecting infants’ manual search for occluded objects and the genesis of object permanence. Infant Behavior & Development, 31, 168–180. Click here to receive a reprint
Moore, M. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2004). Object permanence after a 24-hr delay and leaving the locale of disappearance: The role of memory, space, and identity. Developmental Psychology, 40, 606–620. Click here to receive a reprint
Moore, M. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1999). New findings on object permanence: A developmental difference between two tupes of occlusion. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17, 563–584. Click here to receive a reprint
Moore, M. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1998). Object representation, identity, and the paradox of early permanence: Steps toward a new framework. Infant Behavior Development, 21, 201–235. Click here to receive a reprint
Moore, M. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1995). Infants’ understanding of people and things: From body imitation to folk psychology. In J. Bermudez, A. Marcel, & N. Eilan (Eds.), The body and the self (pp. 43–69). Cambridge: MIT Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Cross-Modal Perception
Meltzoff, A. N. Ramírez, R. R., Saby, J. N., Larson, E., & Taulu, S., & Marshall, P. J. (2018). Infant brain responses to felt and observed touch of hands and feet: An MEG study. Developmental Science, 21, e12651. Click here to receive a reprint
Rabinowitch, T., & Metlzoff, A. N. (2017). Joint rhythmic movement increases 4-year-old children's prosocial sharing and fairness toward peers. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1–9. Click here to receive a reprint
Kuhl, P. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1996). Infant vocalizations in response to speech: Vocal imitation and developmental change. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 100, 2425–2438. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Kuhl, P. K. (1994). Faces and speech: Intermodal processing of biologically -relevant signals in infants and adults. In D. Lewkowicz & R. Lickliter (Eds.), The development of intersensory perception: Comparative perspectives (pp. 335–369). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N, & Moore, M. K. (1993). Why faces are special to infants-On connecting the attraction of faces and infants’ ability for imitation and cross-modal processing. In B. de Boysson-Bardies, S. de Schonen, P. Jusczyk, P. MacNeilage, & J. Morton (Eds.), Developmental neurocognition: Speech and face processing in the first year of life (pp. 211–225). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Click here to receive a reprint
Green, K. P., Kuhl, P. K., Meltzoff, A. N., & Stevens, E. B. (1991). Integrating speech information across talkers, gender, and sensory modality: Female faces. Perception and Psychophysics, 50, 524–536. Click here to receive a reprint
Kuhl, P. K., Williams, K. A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1991). Cross-modal speech perception in adults and infants using nonspeech auditory stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 17, 829–840. Click here to receive a reprint
Kuhl, P. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1988). Speech as an intermodal object of perception. In A. Yonas (Ed.), Perceptual development in infancy: The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology (Vol. 20, pp. 235–266). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Click here to receive a reprint
Kuhl, P. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1984). The intermodal representation of speech in infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 7, 361–381. Click here to receive a reprint
Kuhl, P. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1982). The bimodal perception of speech in infancy. Science, 218, 1138–1141. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Borton, R. W. (1979). Intermodal matching by human neonates. Nature, 282, 403–404. Click here to receive a reprint
Language of Thought, Bilingual, and Deaf
Brooks, R., Singleton, J. L., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2019). Enhanced gaze-following behavior in Deaf infants of Deaf parents. Developmental Science, 23, e12900. Click here for reprint
Ruba, A. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Repacholi, B. M. (2020). Superordinate categorization of negative facial expressions in infancy: The influence of labels. Developmental Psychology, 56, 671–685. Click here for reprint
Conboy, C. T., Brooks, R., Meltzoff, A. N., & Kuhl, P. K. (2015). Social interactions in infants' learning of second-language phonetics: An exploration of brain-behavior relations. Developmental Neuropsychology, 40, 216–229. Click here to receive a reprint
Carlson S. M. & Meltzoff A. N. (2008). Bilingual experience and executive functioning in young children. Developmental Science, 11, 282–298. Click here to receive a reprint
Brooks, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2008). Infant gaze following and pointing predict accelerated vocabulary growth through two years of age: A longitudinal, growth curve modeling study. Journal of Child Language, 35, 207–220. Click here to receive a reprint
Heimann, M., Strid, K., Smith, L., Tjus, T., Ulvund, S. E., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2006). Exploring the relation between memory, gestural communication, and the emergence of language in infancy: A longitudinal study. Infant and Child Development, 15, 233–249. Click here to receive a reprint
Brooks, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2005). The development of gaze following and its relation to language. Developmental Science, 8, 535–543. Click here to receive a reprint
Kuhl, P. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1997). Evolution, nativism, and learning in the development of language and speech. In M. Gopnik (Ed.), The inheritance and innateness of grammars (pp. 7–44). New York: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Gopnik, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1992). Categorization and naming: Basic-level sorting in eighteen-month-olds and its relation to language. Child Development, 63, 1091–1103. Click here to receive a reprint
Gopnik, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1987). The development of categorization in the second year and its relation to other cognitive and linguistic developments. Child Development, 58, 1523–1531. Click here to receive a reprint
Gopnik, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1986). Relations between semantic and cognitive development in the one-word stage: The specificity hypothesis. Child Development, 57, 1040–1053. Click here to receive a reprint
Connections to Philosophy of Mind
Meltzoff, A. N. (2013). Origins of social cognition: Bidirectional self-other mapping and the “Like-Me” hypothesis. In M. Banaji & S. Gelman (Eds.), Navigating the social world: What infants, children, and other species can teach us (pp. 139–144). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Russell, J., Cheke, L. G., Clayton, N. S., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2011). What can What-When-Where (WWW) binding tasks tell us about young children’s episodic foresight? Theory and two experiments. Cognitive Development, 26, 356–370. Click here to receive a reprint
Moore, M. K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2009). Numerical identity and the development of object permanence. In S. P. Johnson (Ed.), Neoconstructivism: The new science of cognitive development (pp. 61–83). New York: Oxford University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Brooks, R. (2007). Intersubjectivity before language: Three windows on preverbal sharing. In S. Bråten (Ed.), On being moved: From mirror neurons to empathy (pp. 149–174). Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. Click here to receive a reprint
Gallagher, S., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1996). The earliest sense of self and others: Merleau-Ponty and recent developmental studies. Philosophical Psychology, 9, 211–233. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N., & Moore, M. K. (1995). Infants' understanding of people and things: from body imitation to folk psychology. In J. L. Bermudez, A. Marcel, & N. Eilan (Eds.), The Body and Self (pp. 43–69). MIT Press: Bradford. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (1993). Molyneux's babies: Cross-modal perception, imitation, and the mind of the preverbal infant. In N. Eilan, R. McCarthy, & B. Brewer (Eds.), Spatial representation: Problems in philosophy and psychology (pp. 219–235). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. Click here to receive a reprint
Atypical Populations and Autism
Marshall, P. J., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Body maps in the infant brain: Implications for neurodevelopmental disabilities. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 62, 778–783. Click here to receive a reprint
Brooks, R., Singleton, J. L., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Enhanced gaze-following behavior in Deaf infants of Deaf parents. Developmental Science, 23, e12900. Click here to receive a reprint
Faja, S., Dawson, G., Sullivan, K., Meltzoff, A. N., Estes, A., & Bernier, R. (2016). Executive function predicts the development of play skills for verbal preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. Autism Research, 9, 1274–1284. Click here to receive a reprint
Munson, J., Faja, S., Meltzoff, A. N., Abbott, R., & Dawson, G. (2008). Neurocognitive predictors of social and communicative developmental trajectories in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 14, 956–966. Click here to receive a reprint
Toth, K., Dawson, G., Meltzoff, A. N., Greenson, J., & Fein, D. (2007). Early social, imitation, play, and language abilities of young non-Autistic siblings of children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord, 37, 145–157. Click here to receive a reprint
Toth, K., Munson J., Meltzoff, A. N., & Dawson, G. (2006). Early predictors of communication development in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Joint attention, imitation, and toy play. J Autism Dev Disord, 36, 993–1005. Click here to receive a reprint
Dawson, G., Carver, L., Meltzoff, A. N., Panagiotides, H., McPartland, J., & Webb, S. J. (2002). Neural correlates of face and object recognition in young children with autism spectrum disorder, developmental delay, and typical development. Child Development, 73, 700–717. Click here to receive a reprint
Dawson, G., Osterling, J., Meltzoff, A. N., & Kuhl, P. K. (2000). Case study of the development of an infant with autism from birth to 2 years of age. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 21, 299–313. Click here to receive a reprint
Dawson, G., Meltzoff, A. N., Osterling, J., & Rinaldi, J. (1998). Neuropsychological correlates of early symptoms of autism. Child Development, 69, 1276–1285. Click here to receive a reprint
Dawson, G., Meltzoff, A. N., Osterling, J., Rinaldi, J., & Brown, E. (1998). Children with autism fail to orient to naturally occurring social stimuli. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 28, 479–485. Click here to receive a reprint
Rast, M., & Meltzoff, A. N. (1995). Memory and representation in young children with Down syndrome: Exploring deferred imitation and object permanence. Development and Psychopathology, 7, 393–407. Click here to receive a reprint
Applied Developmental Psychology
Rogers, L. O., Scott, K. E., Wintz, F., Eisenman, S. R., Dorsi, C., Chae, D., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2024). Exploring whether and how Black and White parents talk with their children about race: M(ai)cro race conversations about Black Lives Matter. Developmental Psychology, Advance online publication. Click here to receive a reprint
Rodman, A. M., Rosen, M. L., Kasparek, S. W., Mayes, M., Lengua, L., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2024). Social experiences and youth psychopathology during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study. Development and Psychopathology, 36, 366–378. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Tang, D., Forsyth, D., Alexander, T M., Cheryan, S., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2023). Gender equity and motivational readiness for computational thinking in early childhood. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 64, 242-254. Click here to receive a reprint
Lengua, L. J., Thompson, S. F., Kim, S. G., Rosen, M. L., Rodman, A., Kasparek, S., Mayes, M., Zalewski, M., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2022). Maternal mental health mediates the effects of pandemic-related stressors on adolescent psychopathology during COVID-19. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Advance online publication. | Click here to receive a reprint
Reid-Russell, A., Miller, A. B., Cvencek, D., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2021). Lower implicit self-esteem as a pathway linking childhood abuse to depression and suicidal ideation. Development and Psychopathology, 34, 1272-1286. Click here to receive a reprint
Rosen, M. L., Rodman, A. M., Kasparek, S. W., Mayes, M., Freeman, M. M., Lengua, L. J., Meltzoff, A. N., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2021). Promoting youth mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study. PLoS ONE, 16, e0255294. | Click here to receive a reprint
Barragan, R. C., Oliveira, N., Khalvati, K., Brooks, R., Reinecke, K., Rao, R. P. N., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2021). Identifying with all humanity predicts cooperative health behaviors and helpful responding during COVID-19. PLoS ONE, 16, e0248234. | Click here to receive a reprint
Lurie, L. A., Hagen, M. P., McLaughlin, K. A., Sheridan, M. A., Meltzoff, A. N., & Rosen, M. L. (2021). Mechanisms linking socioeconomic status and academic achievement in early childhood: Cognitive stimulation and language. Cognitive Development, 58, 101045. Click here to receive a reprint
Lee, C. D., Meltzoff, A. N., & Kuhl, P. K. (2020). The braid of human learning and development: Neuro-physiological processes and participation in cultural practices. In N. S. Nasir, C. D. Lee, R. Pea, & M. McKinney de Royston (Eds.), Handbook of the cultural foundations of learning (pp. 24–43). Routledge. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Paz-Albo, J., Master, A., Herranz Llácer, C. V., Hervás-Escobar, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Math is for me: A field intervention to strengthen math self-concepts in Spanish-speaking 3rd grade children. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 593995. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Greenwald, A. G., McLaughlin, K. A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Early implicit–explicit discrepancies in self-esteem as correlates of childhood depressive symptoms. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 200, 104962. Click here to receive a reprint
del Río, M. F., Susperreguy, M. I., Strasser, K., Cvencek, D., Iturra, C., Gallardo, I., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2021). Early sources of children’s math achievement in Chile: The role of parental beliefs and feelings about math. Early Education and Development, 32, 637–652. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2020). Cultural stereotypes and sense of belonging contribute to gender gaps in STEM. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 12, 152–198. Click here to receive a reprint
Prieto, J. P., Cvencek, D., Llacer, C. V. H., Escobar, A. H., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Preschoolers’ mathematical play and colour preferences: A new window into the development of gendered beliefs about math. Early Child Development and Care, 187, 1273–1283. Click here to receive a reprint
Rabinowitch, T., & Metlzoff, A. N. (2017). Joint rhythmic movement increases 4-year-old children's prosocial sharing and fairness toward peers. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1–9. Click here to receive a reprint
Rabinowitch, T., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Synchronized movement experience enhances peer cooperation in preschool children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 160, 21–32. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Cheryan, S., Moscatelli, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Programming experience promotes higher STEM motivation among first-grade girls. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,160, 92–106. Click here to receive a reprint
Cvencek, D., Fryberg, S. A., Covarrubias, R., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Self-concepts, self-esteem, and academic achievement of minority and majority North American elementary school children. Child Development, 1–17. Click here to receive a reprint
Master, A., Meltzoff, A. N. (2016). Building bridges between psychological science and education: Cultural stereotypes, STEM, and equity. Prospects. Click here to receive a reprint
Zack, E., Gerhardstein, P., Meltzoff, A. N., & Barr, R. (2013). 15-month-olds’ transfer of learning between touch screen and real world displays: Language cues and cognitive loads. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54, 20–25. Click here to receive a reprint
Wilson, A. C., Lengua, L. J., Meltzoff, A. N., & Smith, K. A. (2010). Parenting and temperament prior to September 11, 2001, and parenting specific to 9/11 as predictors of children’s posttraumatic stress symptoms following 9/11. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 39, 445–459. Click here to receive a reprint
Zack, E., Barr, R., Gerhardstein, P., Dickerson, K., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2009). Infant imitation from television using novel touch-screen technology. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 27, 13–26. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (2009). Roots of social cognition: The 'Like-Me' framework. In D. Cicchetti & M. R. Gunnar (Eds.), Minnesota symposia on child psychology: Meeting the challenge of translational research in child psychology 35, (pp. 29–58). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Click here to receive a reprint
Raizada, R. S., Richards, T. L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Kuhl, P. K. (2008). Socioeconomic status predicts hemispheric specialization of the left inferior frontal gyrus in young children. NeuroImage, 40, 1392–1401. Click here to receive a reprint
Bransford, J., Barron, B., Pea, R., Meltzoff, A. N., Kuhl, P. K., Bell, P., Stevens, R., Schwartz, D., Vye, N., Reeves, B., Roschelle, J., & Sabelli, N. (2006). Foundations and opportunities for an interdisciplinary science of learning. In K. Sawyer (Ed.), Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences (pp. 19–34). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Click here to receive a reprint
Lengua, L. J., Long, A. C., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2006). Pre-attack stress-load, appraisals, and coping in children's responses to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47, 1219–1227. Click here to receive a reprint
Strid, K., Tjus, T., Smith, L., Meltzoff, A. N., & Heimann, M. (2006). Infant recall memory and communication predicts later cognitive development. Infant Behavior & Development, 29, 545–553. Click here to receive a reprint
Huebner, C. E., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2005). Intervention to change parent-child reading style: A comparison of instructional methods. Applied Developmental Psychology, 26, 296–313. Click here to receive a reprint
Lengua, L. J., Long, A. C., Smith, K. I., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2005). Pre-attack symptomatology and temperament as predictors of children’s responses to the September 11 terrorist attacks. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46, 631–645. Click here to receive a reprint
Meltzoff, A. N. (1999). Born to learn: What infants learn from watching us. In N. A. Fox, L. A. Leavitt & J. G. Warhol (Eds.), The role of early experience in infant development (pp. 145–164). Skillman, NJ: Pediatric Institute Publication. Click here to receive a reprint