Chantel Prat, who will be presenting her new book, The Neuroscience of You, at Elliott Bay Book company next week in conversation with Jevin West, author of Calling Bullshit, to celebrate the book’s launch. CSPAN Book TV will be filming the event. Chantel’s book has been nominated as a finalist for The Next Big Idea Club. From this list, … Read More
Learning to read online is possible and doable
Early Learning Nation spotlights I-LABS research on teaching early literacy skills online Because reading is a foundational skill for participation in the modern world, educators and researchers are keenly aware of the urgency in finding solutions to early literacy learning. While online learning seems like an attractive possibility, scant research existed to see if that was even possible. The I-LABS … Read More
I-LABS co-Director Andrew Meltzoff weighs in on the question “What’s Your Challenge to American Dads?”
In time for Father’s Day, a group of thoughtful leaders were asked to respond to the prompt “what’s your challenge to American dads?”. The answers are inspiring. See what Dr. Andrew Meltzoff said (hint: imitation). This article from Early Learning Nation also includes a short video of his research. Read the article
Babies act altruistically – when they know you need help
I-LABS researchers wanted to test whether human infants were able to act beyond self-interest, when faced with one of the most fundamental biological needs: food. Dr. Rodolfo Cortes Barragan’s work on the roots of altruism in children is featured in this article by Early Learning Nation, a magazine devoted to early learning, the science of the developing brain, and more. … Read More
Latinx Fathers Use Parentese
Research from I-LABS’ Dr. Naja Ferjan Ramirez shows that Latinx fathers are quite skilled at using parentese to help their children’s language development. This is true despite the fact that the dads in the study were not taught how to use parentese. The slower speech, exaggerated tones, and higher pitch just came naturally. Read about the research in Early Learning … Read More
I-LABS Intern Katie Liu Wins Second Place in Prestigious Competition
The International Mind, Brain, and Education Society recently held a competition for budding research scientists. Katie Liu, a high school Junior, has won second place for her work on bilingualism at I-LABS. Working with researcher Dr. Ping Mamiya, Katie became interested in how differences between languages lead to differences in executive functions for bilingual speakers. She conducted original research, then … Read More
Early Learning Nation Taps I-LABS Expertise
What do young children know about race? How and when do they learn it? Early learning professionals need answers to these difficult questions, and Early Learning Nation has looked to I-LABS expertise to provide answers. Drs. Marley Jarvis and Andrew Meltzoff were interviewed by this influential site, which also links to several I-LABS Outreach resources. Read the Early Learning Nation … Read More
Great Leaders in Developmental Psychology: Andrew Meltzoff
The American Psychological Association (APA) occasionally features leaders among its members. I-LABS co-director Andrew Meltzoff is currently featured as a leader in the field of developmental psychology. You can read more about Dr. Meltzoff’s work here.
TIME Features I-LABS Research on Infant Altruism
I-LABS scientists (Barragan, Brooks, & Meltzoff) published a paper on baby altruism. They found that infants help others even when that involves giving up things of value to themselves (Scientific Reports, 2020 ). The researchers also highlight social learning experiences at home that predict baby altruism. TIME magazine (Oct. 2020) featured this work in a special edition on “The Power of Kindness.”