KOMO TV: Body Maps and Babies’ Brains

I-LABSMedia Coverage, Publication

KOMO TV, an ABC news affiliate, featured I-LABS research on body maps and babies’ brains in a story that aired during their evening broadcast.

The KOMO piece begins: “This is for any parent who’s looked at a child and wondered what’s going on in that little brain of theirs. Researchers at the University of Washington wonder too, and they’re getting answers.”

I-LABS researchers are among the first to study a baby’s sense of touch and how it’s registered in the brain. KOMO visited I-LABS to interview researchers and learn more about the latest neuroscience findings about the baby brain.

“Parents, I think, can stimulate body maps and stimulate with touch particularly. There’s so much communication between parents and their babies that’s pre-verbal before they can talk to you. It’s really skin to skin contact and touching that communicates so much,” said Andrew Meltzoff, co-director of I-LABS, in the video segment.

Watch the video on the KOMO TV website ยป