11/29/22 – Early Learning Nation Interview I-LABS co-Director Patricia Kuhl on Dual MEG Research.First-Ever Study Provides High-Tech Window on Mother-Child Brain Synchrony. I-LABS Collaborates with Japanese and Taiwanese Brain Scientists. Read the article here.
Pat Kuhl leads Yidan Foundation panel of education luminaries
The Yidan Foundation awards an annual Education Prize worth nearly $4M US dollars. Co-Director Patricia Kuhl is a member of the Yidan Foundation Council of Luminaries, which includes leaders in fields influencing education worldwide. On Thursday Sept 28, the Yidan Foundation funded a conference at Stanford University and Dr. Kuhl was moderator of the panel on Early Childhood Learning and … Read More
Dual-MEG set up reveals interbrain synchrony between mothers and children during verbal interaction
I-LABS research on mother-child ‘brain synchrony’ during turn-taking. In a world-first experiment, I-LABS, along with Taiwanese and Japanese brain scientists, conducted a study of two-person neuroscience with mothers and their 5-year-old children using two magnetoencephalography (MEG) brain-imaging devices. I-LABS scientists have shown that verbal turn-taking and imitation are essential for language learning and social development in young children, but how … Read More
People of UW: I-LABS Chantel Prat
I-LABS faculty member Chantel Prat is featured in this People of UW story. Prat is not only a Professor in the Department of Psychology, but a lauded mentor, published author, fiercely proud parent, menagerie owner, and more, which you can read about here.
I-LABS research adapted for teen readership
The Science Journal for Kids and Teens has recently published I-LABS work on gender stereotypes, and how they negatively impact girls’ motivation to pursue computer science and engineering careers. The Journal’s goal is to adapt scientific articles that have already appeared in peer-reviewed publications, but make them more accessible to middle and high school audiences. They use easy-to-understand language, and develop PDF and YouTube resources to accompany them. … Read More
From Understanding Eyes to Understanding Minds – Tracing the Building Blocks of Social Cognition
In the first few years of life, children begin to piece together an awareness of the thoughts, feelings and desires of the people around them, gradually building skills to help them succeed in our social world. While many studies have examined development in toddlers and preschoolers, few have looked at infants to see which early social skills are linked to … Read More
Chantel Prat Describes Her Research in New Book
New book illuminates individual differences in brain function Most of us understand, on some level, that our unique ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving are related to the mechanics of our individual brains. Yet the majority of neuroscience research has focused on group averages—a way of sketching “typical” patterns of brain functioning. Professor Chantel Prat argues that this approach has moved the … Read More
Opinion: the culture around Computer Science, Engineering excludes women and girls
Scientific American piece argues for changing the male-oriented culture of these fields How can we address the gender imbalance of those receiving computer science and engineering degrees? Understand how the cultures of these fields dissuade many women and young girls from becoming interested in this work. So argues Andrew Meltzoff of I-LABS, and his colleagues Sapna Cheryan (University of Washington) and … Read More
KC Lee comments on the soundscape experienced by pioneers
Auditory soundscape experienced by American pioneers may have contributed to mental health issues I-LABS faculty member and auditory neuroscientist Adrian KC Lee offers scientific rationale behind a new account of early settlers and the silence surrounding them in the vast landscape. This article describes the incidence of “prairie madness” among rural farm families in the Great Plains. Read the article here.
Learning to read online is possible and doable
Early Learning Nation spotlights I-LABS research on teaching early literacy skills online Because reading is a foundational skill for participation in the modern world, educators and researchers are keenly aware of the urgency in finding solutions to early literacy learning. While online learning seems like an attractive possibility, scant research existed to see if that was even possible. The I-LABS … Read More