People of I-LABS: Eric Larson

I-LABSPeople of I-LABS

In the “People of I-LABS” series, we get to know individuals from our team. For this post, we introduce Eric Larson, a research scientist who specializes in developing analysis methods for MEG. People of I-LABS Vibrant, super-smart and caring: these are just a few of the qualities that describe the dozens of interdisciplinary researchers at I-LABS. Their innovative ideas and technological savviness help … Read More

Patricia Kuhl Recognized In Seattle Magazine’s Hall of Fame

I-LABSMedia Coverage, Research

Patricia Kuhl has been recognized by Seattle Magazine as one of the “trailblazers who have transformed Seattle in extraordinary ways.” Through her groundbreaking research in language and brain development, Kuhl showed how early language exposure alters the brain and determined that “parentese” (a natural way parents speak to babies) lays the foundation for infants to distinguish sounds and understand language. Read … Read More

People of I-LABS: Allison Master

I-LABSPeople of I-LABS

In the “People of I-LABS” series, we get to know individuals from our team. The first post in this series shines the spotlight on Allison Master, a research scientist specializing in social cognitive development. Vibrant, super-smart and caring: these are just a few of the qualities that describe the dozens of interdisciplinary researchers at I-LABS. Their innovative ideas and technological savviness … Read More

Ask I-LABS Outreach: How Do Babies Play?


We explore the ways that babies play and how you can join them in this installment of “Ask I-LABS Outreach.” Imagine a child playing: what images come to your mind? Perhaps a child running and giggling, or stacking blocks one by one, or crafting an elaborate game of make-believe? But what about a baby? What do you think of when … Read More

Sarah Lytle on High-Quality Interactions with Children

I-LABSMedia Coverage, Outreach

I-LABS’ Dr. Sarah Lytle spoke about effective early learning interactions at a Birth-to-Three Policy Meeting on October 5. I-LABS Director of Outreach and Education, Dr. Sarah Lytle, recently spoke at a Birth-to-Three Policy Alliance meeting. Dr. Lytle provided an overview of how the brain develops in the first 2,000 days of a child’s life (birth to age 5) and explained how the important wiring takes … Read More

Andrea Stocco’s Brain-to-Brain Research is Basis for Short Play


See “Rift” by Kristina Sutherland Rowell, October 14-16  Andrea Stocco participated in the Infinity Box Theater Project’s “Thought Experiments on the Question of Being Human.” The project consists of scientists conversing with playwrights to come up with an original play examining the question of what it means to be human in light of current developments in science and technology. Andrea’s play, titled … Read More

Engaging children in STEM


New research finds that STEM should be social! I-LABS researchers Andrew Meltzoff, Allison Master, and Sapna Cheryan discovered that children who completed STEM activities as groups reported that the activities were more fun and achieved more success than children who participated in the STEM activities individually. To learn more about making STEM social, read the Conversation here.

I-LABS Library of Training Modules


Check out the latest Outreach Module! I-LABS has created a library of free online training modules. These resources offer a space for the early learning community to engage with the latest science of child development. Modules present cutting-edge research in a way that is relevant, accessible, and useable.  Each module takes 20-25 minutes to complete, and discusses a specific topic in child development. … Read More

Adrian KC Lee awarded an NSF Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience grant

I-LABSAwards, Research

I-LABS faculty member Adrian KC Lee and his colleague Emily Fox (Statistics, Computer Science & Engineering) have been awarded an NSF Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) grant, inspired by work supported by a joint postdoctoral fellowship. The grant, “Modeling of Interacting Time Series to Discover Cortical Networks Associated with Auditory Processing Dysfunction”, grew out of the research of UWIN … Read More