Patricia Kuhl’s Feature in ‘Scientific American’

I-LABSMedia Coverage, Research

How is it possible that in just a few short years a babbling baby becomes a talking toddler?

In the November 2015 issue of “Scientific American,” I-LABS’ co-director Patricia Kuhl describes the brain mechanisms underlying the amazing yet fleeting gift that all infants have to quickly learn language.

“I still marvel, after four decades of studying child development, how a child can go from random babbling to speaking fully articulated words and sentences just a few years later—a mastery that occurs more quickly than any complex skill acquired during the course of a lifetime,” wrote Kuhl in the 6-page feature story, “How Babies Learn Language.”

With engaging prose and compelling visuals, the story delves into Kuhl’s discoveries revealing how both nature and nurture play “starring roles” in a baby’s ability to learn to speak.

“Knowledge of early language development has now reached a level of sophistication that is enabling psychologists and physicians to create new tools to help children with learning difficulties,” Kuhl wrote.

See a preview of the story online. From the preview, you can purchase a digital copy of the story.

Reaching millions of readers each month, “Scientific American” is the oldest continually publishing monthly magazine in the U.S. In its 170-year history, famous scientists such as Albert Einstein and world leaders including Al Gore have contributed articles. Published in 14 languages, the magazine is read in 30 countries around the world.