Columns Magazine: ‘How Does Baby Learn?’

I-LABSMedia Coverage, Outreach, Research

From how babies’ brains respond to speech and touch to the latest impacts early learning science has made in society, UW’s Columns magazine features I-LABS in its March 2016 issue.

The story, “How Does Baby Learn?,” describes how I-LABS is “revolutionizing theories of human development.” The 4-page feature covers I-LABS’ most recent research and outreach accomplishments and gives sneak peeks of what’s to come.

Showcasing the Institute’s leadership in early learning and its role in policy, Rep. Ruth Kagi of Washington state says in the story:
“Drs. Kuhl and Meltzoff have inspired the Legislature with the promise and the potential of early learning, and the importance of strong and loving adult-child relationships early in life. Washington has supported quality home visiting and early learning programs in large part because individual legislators now understand the importance of these early supports for children and families.”

Published each quarter, Columns is in the top 10 of university alumni magazines with a distribution of a quarter of a million people.

Read the story online or email to request print copy to be mailed to you.