Betty Repacholi, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Educational Background

Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley
(Developmental Psychology, 1996)
Predoctoral Fellow, University of California-Berkeley, National Institute of Mental Health Training Grant in Emotion Research (1993-94)
Master of Clinical Psychology, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia (1986)
Bachelor of Psychology, University of Western Australia (1984)

Academic Positions Held

Associate Professor, 2007-present
University of Washington, Department of Psychology
Assistant Professor, 2002-2006
University of Washington, Department of Psychology
Research Associate, 2001-2002
University of Washington Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, Seattle, WA
Lecturer (tenured), 1998-2001
Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Associate Lecturer, 1997
Department of Educational Psychology, Measurement & Technology, University of Sydney, Australia

Professional Offices, Awards, and Affiliations

Editorial Consultant, Child Development (1998, 1999)
Grant Proposal Reviewer, Australian universities and the Australian Research Council
Occasional Reviewer, Child Development, Developmental Psychology, British Journal of Developmental Psychology, Social Development, Developmental Science, Mind and Lanuage
Conference Organizer, in collaboration with Dr. V. Slaughter, international mini-conference on theory of mind and social functioning, Macquarie University, July, 2001, funded by the Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Sciences (MACCS)