I-LABS Roundtable Research Seminars
“Non-linear Auto-Regressive Models for Cross-Frequency Coupling in Neural Time Series”
Speaker: Alexandre Gramfort, PhD, Inria Parietal Team, Université Paris-Saclay, France

“Music and the Groove: The Connection Between Movement, Music, and the Brain”
Speaker: Jessica Grahn, Associate Professor, Brain and Mind Institute & Department of Psychology, Western University, London, Ontario

“Development of an Optically Pumped Atomic Magnetometer Array for Magnetoencephalography”
Speaker: Peter D. D. Schwindt, Principal Member of the Technical Staff, The Sandia National Laboratories

“The Nature of Vowel Perception Biases”
Speaker: Matt Masapollo, Ph.D. Candidate, McGill University, Centre for Research on Brain, Language, & Music

“Learning-Related Changes in Synchrony in the Human Brain”
Speaker: Tim Bardouille, Ph.D., Research Scientist at IWK Health Centre

“Crossmodal Processes in Sensory Scene Parsing”
Speaker: Ross Maddox, Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory for Auditory Brain Sciences & Neuroengineering at Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington

“Hyperscanning, Fast Social Interactions, and Magnetoencephalography”
Speaker: Andrey Zhdanov, Graduate Student, Aalto University School of Science & Research Scientist, BioMag Laboratory, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland

“Advancing Neuroscience with the Allen Human Brain Atlas”
Speaker: Terri Gilbert, Application Scientist, Allen Institute for Brain Sciences

“Communicating science to lay audiences”
Speaker: Molly McElroy, Communications & Marketing Manager, and Sarah Roseberry Lytle, Director of I-LABS Outreach

“Therapeutic Neurosonology: A New Emerging Technology in the Neurosciences”
Speaker: David W. Newell, Chief of Neuroscience, Swedish Neuroscience Institute

“A forgotten highway: The story of the vertical occipital fasciculus”
Speaker: Jason Yeatman, I-LABS Research Scientist

“Speech enhancement inspired by auditory system.”
Speaker: Majid Mirbagheri, Postdoctoral Fellow at LABS^N

“Implicit gender stereotyping in children.”
Speaker: Dario Cvencek Ph.D., Research Scientist at Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences

“The Developmental Neuroscience of Self and Other: Connecting Infant EEG and MEG”
Speaker: Peter Marshall, Director of Developmental Psychology Area, Temple University

“Interactions of the Processing of Letters And Speech Sounds as Reflected by Event-Related Brain Potentials”
Speaker: Maria Mittag, I-LABS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington

“Introduction to Version Control with Git”
Speaker: Jasper van den Bosch, I-LABS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington

“Conversational Grooves”
Speaker: Ian Cross, Professor of Music & Science, University of Cambridge

“Modeling EEG Responses to Continuous Speech: Applications to Research on the Cocktail Party Problem and Multisensory Integration”
Speaker: Edmund C. Lalor, Assistant Professor, Trinity Center for Bioengineering & Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin

“Auditory Perception in Noise”
Speaker: Brian Moore, Professor, Auditory Perception Group, University of Cambridge

“Making Sense of Sequences: DNA, Speech Sounds, Letters, and Beyond”
Speaker: Beate Peter, Research Assistant Professor; Speech & Hearing Sciences and Speech/Language Genetics Lab, University of Washington

“Auditory Cortex Attending a Cocktail Party”
Speaker: Jennifer K. Bizley, Sir Henry Dale Research Fellow; The Ear Institute, University College London
“Towards EEG-based Assessment of Signal Quality using Machine Learning”
Speaker: Anne Porbadnigk, Graduate Student, Machine Learning Lab, Berlin University of Technology

“Towards Better Communication with Kinect”
Speaker: Xiujuan Chai, Associate Professor, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

“Understanding the Nature of Psychological Control: From Disadvantages in Schizophrenia to Advantages in Bilingualism”
Speaker: Theresa M Becker Zolnikov, Postdoc, Cognition and Cortical Dynamics Lab, University of Washington

“How Monolingual and Bilingual Infants Attune to their Native Language(s): An ERP Study”
Speaker: Adrian Garcia-Sierra, Research Scientist Professor, University of Connecticut

“Theory of Mind in Early Chidhood”
Speaker: Virginia Slaughter, Professor, School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia

“Identity, Stereotypes, and Resistance”
Speaker: Leoandra Onnie Rogers, Postdoc, (I-LABS)University of Washington

“The Effects of Learning on Learning”
Speaker: Luca Onnis, Assistant Professor, (Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawaii)

“The Effects of Learning on Learning”
Speaker: Luca Onnis, Assistant Professor, (Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawaii)

“Speech Perception Development in Monolingual and Bilingual Infants”
Speaker: Adrián García-Sierra, Postdoc, (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Relationships Among Parenting Stress, Parent Education, and Parental Involvement In Early Literacy: Implications for Parent-Child Interactions and Children’s School Readiness”
Speaker: Dilara Deniz Can, Postdoc, (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“The Nature of Psychological Control”
Speaker: Theresa Becker, Graduate student, (Department of Psychological Studies, University of Missouri)

“Culture, Language, and Personality”
Speaker: Nairán Ramírez-Esparza, Postdoc, (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Gaze Following and Pointing: Routes to Social Understanding”
Speaker: Rechele Brooks, Research Assistant Professor, (I-LABS and Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington)

“The Development of Human Action Perception”
Speaker: Jeff Loucks, Postdoc, (Department of Psychology, University of Washington)

“Children’s Perceptions of Social Groups: Positive and Negative Consequences”
Speaker: Allison Master, Postdoc, (I-LABS and Department of Psychology, University of Washington)

“Us & Them: Developmental Origins of Intergroup Bias”
Speaker: Yarrow Dunham, Visiting Faculty and Associate Research Scholar, (Princeton University)

“The Role of Metacognitive Skills in the Development of Learning Abilities: Evidence from Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury”
Speaker: Jason Crowther, Visiting Scholar, (Systems & Cognitive Neuroscience; Rice University)
“The Basal Ganglia Interpret Abstract Representations of Cognitive Actions”
Speaker: Dr. Andrea Stocco, Research Scientist, (Cortical and Cognitive Dynamics Lab, University of Washington)

“Mothers Enhance Infants’ 2D-3D Transfer of Learning: The Role of Emotional Responsiveness and Maternal Structuring”
Speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Zack, Postdoctoral Fellow, (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“The Role of Social Interaction in Infants’ Second Language Acquisition”
Speaker: Dr. Sarah Roseberry, Postdoctoral Fellow, (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Developmental Changes in Cortical Rhythms to Native and Non-Native Phonetic Contrasts”
Speaker: Dr. Alexis Bosseler, Postdoctoral Fellow, (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Could Experience in Music Facilitate Learning Lexical Tone Categories?”
Speaker: Christina Zhao, Doctoral Student, (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences and Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Washington)

“Why and How to Use M/EEG Recording in Auditory Neuroscience Research” and “Engaging the Oculomotor System Through Auditory Attention”
Speaker: Dr. Adrian K. C. Lee, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences and Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Washington)

“Social Cues for Language Learning”
Speaker: Dr. Sarah Roseberry, Postdoctoral Fellow, (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Parallel Visual Pathways: Their Functional Roles and Clinical Implications”
Speaker: Shozo Tobimatsu M.D., Ph.D (Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Kyushu University School of Medicine, Japan)

“Spatial and Causal Reasoning in Animals and Children”
Speaker: Dr. Anna Waismeyer, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Native and Non-native Speech-Evoked Responses in High-Risk Infant Siblings”
Speaker: Dr. Cherie Percaccio, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“What Bilinguals Hear as a Function of Language Context”
Speaker: Dr. Adrian Garcia-Sierra, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Under What Conditions Do Young Children Attribute Normativity to Novel Actions?”
Speaker: Marco Schmidt, Doctoral Student (Department of Developmental and Comparative Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
“Native and Non-Native Speech-Evoked Responses in High-Risk Infant Siblings”
Speaker: Dr. Cherie Percaccio, Postdoctoral Fellow, (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Can infants learn language from interactive TV: First steps”
Speaker: Dr. Barbara Nash, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Memory Organization for Complex Human Action”
Speaker: Dr. Jeff Loucks, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Special Speech Registers: Talking to Infants, Pets, Hearing Impaired, Foreigners, and Computers”
Speaker: Dr. Denis Burnham, (University of Western Sydney)
“The Role of Functional Categories in First Language Acquisition: Uncovering Early Grammatical Knowledge in Infants”
Speaker: Dr. Yarden Kedar, (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)
“From Transient Goals to Enduring Preferences: The Development of Understanding Goal-Directed Action in Infancy”
Speaker: Emily Blumenthal, Doctoral Student, (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Can 15-Month-Olds Use Visual-Perceptual Cues to Predict Another Person’s Emotions? and Pretend Play and Executive Function” in Preschool Children”
Speaker: Tamara Spiewak Toub, Doctoral Student, (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)
“Lexical Tone Perception and Production: The Role of Language and Musical Background”
Speaker: Dr. Barbara Nash, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Gesture Gives a Hand to Speech: Evidence for an Integrated System in Production and Comprehension”
Speaker: Dr. Spencer Kelly (Department of Psychology, Colgate University)

“Future Thinking in Young Children”
Speaker: Dr. Christina Atance (School of Psychology, Univerity of Ottawa)

“The Extended Self: Cognitive, Emotional and Behavioral Consequences of Group Identity”
Speaker: Dr. Cheryl Kaiser (Department of Psychology, University of Washington)

“Language as Kluge”
Speaker: Dr. Gary Marcus (Department of Psychology, New York University)

“Early and Long-Term Effects of Child-Care Quantity, Quality, and Type on Children’s Development: Results from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development”
Speaker: Dr. Cathryn Booth-LaForce, Professor of Family and Child Nursing (University of Washington)

“Remaking Speech Revisited: STRAIGHT and TANDEM-STRAIGHT and their Implications”
Speaker: Dr. Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama University, Japan)

“Social Routes to Language: Growth Curve Modeling of Vocabulary Growth Based on Previous Preverbal Gaze Following and Pointing”
Speaker: Dr. Rechele Brooks, Research Scientist (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“14-Month-Olds Know What Others Know Only in Joint Attention”
Speaker: Dr. Henrike Moll, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Science, University of Washington)

“Language Control and Executive Control in Bilinguals”
Speaker: Dr. Yapeng Wang, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“The Influence of Parental Language Input across Socio-Economic Classes on the Neurological Development of Broca’s Area in Five Year Old Children”
Speaker: Sonali Bhagat, Doctoral Student (Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Washington)

“Infants’ Understanding of What Others See and Know”
Speaker: Dr. Henrike Moll, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Culture, Language, and Personality”
Speaker: Dr. Nairan Ramirez-Esparza, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Picky Imitators: Prior Experiences of Self and Other Influence Children’s Imitation”
Speaker: Dr. Rebecca Williamson, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Environmental Enrichment Increases Response Strength and Paired-Pulse Depression of Auditory Cortex Neurons”
Speaker: Dr. Cherie Percaccio, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Preference for Referential Eye Gaze in 9-months-old Infants”
Speaker: Dr. Atsushi Senju, Research Fellow (Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck College, London)

“Evaluating Oscillatory Dynamics in Development Disorders”
Speaker: Dr. Mike Murias, Postdoctoral Fellow (Autism Center, University of Washington)

“Perspective Taking in Infancy”
Speaker: Dr. Henrike Moll, Postdoctoral Fellow (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany)

“Children’s Evaluation of Everyday Thinking Strategies: An Outcome-to-Process Shift”
Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Amsterlaw, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“The Scope of Preschoolers’ Generalization of Others’ Preferences”
Speaker: Dr. Rebecca Williamson, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“McGurk Illusion Obtained from MRI Movie Stimuli”
Speaker: Dr. Waka Fujisaki, Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“A Longitudinal Investigation of the Link between Infant Social Cognition and Preschool Behavior: A work in progress”
Speaker: Berit Olsen-Martin, Graduate Student (Department of Psychology, University of Washington)

“From Explicit Judgments about Morality to Implicit Bias: The Journey Traveled”
Speaker: Dr. Melanie Killen, (Developmental Intergroup Social Cognition, University of California, Berkeley)

“Educators’ Metacognitive Engagement of Theory of Mind around Issues of Cultural Capital for Sustaining Achievement Motivation of Immigrant Students: How Can I Most Effectively Project How I Want My Students to See Me as their Educator?”
Speaker: Eric Hamilton, Doctoral Student (College of Education, University of Washington)

“Neurocognitive One-minute Assessment of Speech Comprehension: Applications of M-Sequence Modulation and Independent Component Analysis to Electroencephalography”
Speaker: Dr. Hiroshige Takeichi (RIKEN (Industrial Cooperation, Nishina Center; Advanced Brain Signal Processing, BSI) and Intelligent Modeling Laboratory, University of Tokyo, Japan)

“Neurocognitive Underpinnings of Children’s Developing Understanding of Mind”
Speaker: Dr. David Liu, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Statistical Learning Frameworks for Automatic and Human Speech Processing”
Speaker: Dr. Katrin Kirchoff (Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington)

“When Preschoolers and Adults Fail to Ignore Privileged Information”
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Bernstein (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)

“The Bilingual Development of Korean-Chinese in China and the Perception of Syllable Structure on Korean and Chinese in Korean-Chinese and Chinese Students”
Speaker: Dr. Hyewon Park Choi (University of Ulsan, South Korea)

“Effect of Treatment on Functional MRI of Dyslexia: Orthographical, Phonological, and Morphological Processing and Brain Mapping of Language”
Speaker: Dr. Todd Richards (Department of Radiology, University of Washington)

“Acquisition of American English vowels: Effects of first language and number of training vowels”
Speaker: Dr. Kanae Nishi (Department of Speech and Hearin g Sciences, Indiana University and Boys Town National Research Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska)

“Recalibration of Audio-Visual Simultaneity and Audio-Visual Temporal Synchrony Perception”
Speaker: Dr. Waka Fujisaki, Visiting Researcher (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington and NTT, Japan)

“Socioeconomic Status Predicts Hemispheric Specialization of Broca’s Area in Young Children”
Speaker: Dr. Raj Raizada, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Origins and Early Development of Human Body Knowledge”
Speaker: Dr. Virginia Slaughter (School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia)
“Acquisition at the Prosody-Morphology Interface”
Speaker: Dr. Katherine Demuth (Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences, Brown University)

“Examining the Relations among Cortisol Responses, Family Risk, Parenting, and Child Adjustment”
Speaker: Dr. Anika Trancik, Doctoral Student (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“From Learning Words to Reading Words in Finnish: Findings of Longitudinal Studies”
Speaker: Dr. Maarit Silven, Visiting Researcher, Docent in Developmental and Educational Psychology, (University of Turku and Helsinki)

“Role of Language Experience in Infants’ Discrimination of Male and Female Voice”
Speaker: Dr. Megha Sundara, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Infants’ Understanding of Others’ Actions: The role of prior information”
Speaker: Catharyn Crane, Doctoral Student (Department of Psychology, University of Washington)

“Deferred Imitation in Human Infants”
Speaker: Emily Blumenthal, Graduate Student (Department of Psychology and Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Vocal Function, Learning, and Mimicry in Dolphins”
Speaker: Guenevere Jones (University of North Carolina at Wilmington)
“Building Profiles of Bilingual Speakers: The production and perception of VOT and high vowels in Canadian English and Canadian French”
Speaker: Andrea Macleod, Doctoral Student (Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Washington)

“Understanding Auditory-Visual Speech Perception Through Masking”
Speaker: Alexis Bosseler, Doctoral Student, (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“American Sign Language: Infant directed signing vs. adult directed signing”
Speaker: Lindsay Klarman (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington) 3/1/2006“Reading Acquisition and Reading Disorders: Does East meet West?”
Speaker: Dr. Prema Kandaka Subba Rao, Fulbright Scholar (All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore, India)

“Proposal for an ERP Study of Children and Adults’ Desire-Reasoning and Belief-Reasoning”
Speaker: Dr. David Liu, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“Home Signs and New Sign Languages: What they teach us about input conditions for human languages”
Speaker: Dr. Carol Padden, Professor (University of California, San Diego)

“Systematic False Memories for Missing Aspects of Events”
Speaker: Matthew Gerrie, Doctoral Student (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)

“They’re Not Just Copy Cats: Preschooler’s flexible use of imitation”
Speaker: Dr. Rebecca Williamson, Postdoctoral Fellow (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“ERP Research on Lexical Processing by Adults”
Speaker: Dr. Albert Kim (Department of Psychology, University of Washington)
“A Proposal for Examining the Relations Among Family Risk, L-HPA Activity, Parenting, and Children’s Adjustment”
Speaker: Dr. Anika Trancik (Department of Psychology, University of Washington)

“Children’s Abilities and Limitations in Reasoning About What Others Know”
Speaker: Susan Birch (University of British Columbia)

“Spatial and Causal Reasoning in Animals and Children”
Speaker: Dr. Christine Moon (Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington)

“Perception to Production: The Cross-Modal Link”
Speaker: Alexis Bosseler (Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, University of Washington)

“SRCD Practice Talks” 2/16/2005“A Proposal for Examining the Role of Parenting on the Relations Among Environmental Risk Factors and Cortisol Measures”
Speaker: Dr. Anika Trancik (Department of Psychology, University of Washington)

“Social Referencing in Infants”
Speaker: Caroline Yoachim

“The Development of Children’s Causal Inference”
Speaker: David Sobel (Brown University)

“fMRI and Theory of Mind”
Speaker: Rebecca Saxe (Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts)

Guest Lecture
Speaker: Ghislaine Dehaene (Laboratory of Cognitive Science and Psycholinguistics, EHESS and CNRS, Paris)

Guest Lecture
Speaker: Tomas Paus (Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Canada)