Preview: I-LABS Research at SRCD Meeting

I-LABSOutreach, Research

One of the world’s largest and most prestigious scientific conferences will be held March 19-21 in Philadelphia. Held every other year, the Society for Research in Child Development’s meeting attracts thousands of researchers and other experts sharing the latest developments in their field.

Numerous scientists and outreach staff from the Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences will be among the attendees of the 2015 meeting.

Several I-LABS researchers will present findings on topics including cognition, language, identity, self-esteem, relationships and more.

On Twitter, follow conference updates from @SRCDtweets, @UW_ILABS and #srcdphilly15.

The following is a list of I-LABS-affiliated presentations and posters at the meeting. Check the SRCD program planner for information about the time and place of each presentation.


Thursday, March 19:

The power of in-groups: Group identification enhances preschoolers’ motivation for shared academic goals
Presenting author: Allison Master; Andrew Meltzoff and Sapna Cheryan

Full STEM Ahead: Positive Experience with Technology Toys Increases Young Girls’ STEM Motivation
Presenting author: Allison Master; Adriana Moscatelli, Andrew Meltzoff and Sapna Cheryan

Friday, March 20:

Gaze following and gaze alternation: A comparison of infants with and without early sign language experience
Presenting author: Jenny Lee Singleton; Rechele Brooks

Saturday, March 21:

Infants’ Brains Create ‘Internal Models’ of the Speech They Hear
Presenting author: Patricia Kuhl

Young children’s learning about social causality from probabilistic displays
Presented author: Anna Waismeyer; Andrew Meltzoff

Self-Esteem, Gender Identity, and In-Group Preferences—A Theory of How They Connect to One Another
Presenting author: Dario Cvencek; Andrew Meltzoff and Anthony Greenwald

Quality of Parenting Communication and Language Learning in European-American Monolingual and Latino Bilingual Children
Presenting author: Nairan Ramirez-Esperza; Adrian Garcia-Sierra and Patricia Kuhl


Thursday, March 19:

Abstract Imitation by 36-month-olds: Visual Cues Scaffold Social Learning about Object Weight
Presenting author: Zhidan Wang; Andrew Meltzoff and Rebecca Williamson

Friday, March 20:

Neural Correlates of the Infant Body Schema: Scalp Topography of ERPs to Tactile Stimulation in 7-month-olds
Presenting author: Joni Saby; Andrew Meltzoff and Peter Marshall

Infants’ attributions about other people’s emotional dispositions
Presenting author: Betty Repacholi; Andrew Meltzoff, Theresa Hennings, Ashley Ruba