Preview: I-LABS Research at Human Brain Mapping Conference

I-LABSOutreach, Research

The world’s largest conference for brain imaging researchers will take place June 14-18 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Held at a different location around the globe each year, the Organization for Human Brain Mapping conference is expected to attract about a thousand attendees to its 2015 meeting.

About a dozen scientists from the Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences will be among the attendees. They will present new findings on language learning, speech perception and more, using brain-imaging methods including magnetoencephalography, diffusion tensor imaging and MRI.

“This conference is the most interesting conference in the field of brain imaging because it brings together all the major imaging techniques into one intensive meeting,” said Samu Taulu, director of I-LABS’ MEG brain imaging facility.

“I-LABS now has a unique combination of MEG, MRI and DTI imaging modalities to help us answer our intriguing questions about how the brain develops from early infancy to adolescence,” he added. “It’s exciting that we’re so well-represented at this meeting.”

I-LABS researchers have participated in previous OHBM meetings, and this year will be the most significant contribution the Institute has made to the conference â€“ in terms of the number of presentations and the number of I-LABS scientists attending.

On Twitter, follow updates from @OHBM and #OHBM2015.

The following is a list of I-LABS presentations at the meeting:

“Music exposure enhances infants’ neural processing of temporal structure in music and speech,” by Christina Zhao and Patricia Kuhl.

“Infant directed speech and statistical learning in 3- month-old infants: An MEG study,” by Alexis Bosseler and Patricia Kuhl.

“Neural Correlates of Speech Processing in Bilinguals,” by Kambiz Tavabi, Adrian Garcia-Sierra and Patricia Kuhl.

“Bilingual speech discrimination in the first year of life: A magnetoencephalography study,” by Naja Ferjan Ramirez, Rey Ramirez, Maggie Clarke, Samu Taulu and Patricia Kuhl.

“Mode and Fractional Anisotropy (MOFA) shape analysis of DTI Data,” by Jeff Stevenson, Todd Richards, Jasper van den Bosch and Patricia Kuhl.

“Behavioral Correlations with Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Bilingual Subjects,” by Patricia Kuhl, Jeff Stevenson, Neva Oskin, Jasper van den Bosch, Denise Padden, Jason Yeatman, Dilara Deniz Can and Todd Richards.

“White matter fascicles predict the locations of function regions in ventral occipitotemporal cortex,” by Jason Yeatman and Stanford University collaborators Anthony Stigliani, Jesse Gomez, Brain Wandell, Kalanit Grill-Spector and Kevin Weiner.

“Measuring changes in brain and behavior following second language training,” by Chantel Prat, Brianna Yamasaki and Andrea Stocco.

“The cognitive neuroscience of preparatory processes: Controlling for execution in executive function,” by Jose Ceballos, Andrea Stocco, Theresa Becker, Brianna Yamasaki and Chantel Prat.

“Playing ’20 Questions’ with a direct non-invasive brain-to-brain interface,” by Andrea Stocco, Chantel Prat, Jeneva Cronin, Darby Losey, Joseph Wu and Rajesh Rao.

For more information about the program, see this link.