Archived Celebrations & Events
Intern Capstone Lunch 2016
July 26, 2016 - I-LABS hosted four undergraduate students for a monthlong internship that is led by the I-LABS Outreach team. The internship gives a hands-on experience with the Institute's research and outreach endeavors. It culminated in a capstone lunch where the interns gave a presentation on their experience. The lunch was attended by the interns and their families and I-LABS scientists and outreach staff.
Read more about the 2016 internship in an I-LABS news story »
Learn more about the I-LABS internship »
See photos below of the 2016 I-LABS Interns Capstone lunch:
The I-LABS 2016 Class of Interns, left to right: Riley MacAulay, Miriam Donner, Maria Venneri and Will Hodge.
Sarah Lytle, I-LABS Director of Outreach, gives welcome remarks at the capstone lunch. Lily Shafer (right), Outreach and Education Assistant, coordinated the I-LABS summer internship program.
The 2016 interns give their capstone presentation to an audience of I-LABS scientists and staff, as well as the interns' families.
The 2016 interns with the I-LABS Outreach staff.
The 2016 interns and their families, with the I-LABS Outreach staff, I-LABS co-directors Patricia Kuhl and Andrew Meltzoff, and other I-LABS scientists.
I-LABS Holiday Party 2015
December 15, 2015 - I-LABS faculty, scientists, staff and their guests gathered to commemorate (and toast!) the year's accomplishments. Between a steady stream of research publications, public speaking events around the world, and new national accolades--it's been another record year for the Institute. Find out more in I-LABS 2015 highlights.
Intern Capstone Lunch 2015
July 29, 2015 - Six smart and savvy interns joined I-LABS during the month of July for a "soup-to-nuts science experience" led by the I-LABS Outreach team. The interns received training on I-LABS methods, had candid discussions with I-LABS experts on the latest and greatest in the field, developed essential professional skills, and even oversaw an I-LABS exhibit at a nearby science museum to learn about research and outreach. As their capstone project, the interns presented their experiences to the I-LABS community and their families.
Read more about the 2015 internship in an I-LABS news story.
See photos below of the 2015 I-LABS Capstone Lunch.
The I-LABS 2015 Class of interns, left to right: Sam Wolf, Patrick Donnelly, Sara Federman, Grace Noah, Jenna Shamseldin and Kathleen Malloch.
Sarah Roseberry Lytle, I-LABS Director of Outreach, welcomes the interns' families to the capstone lunch.
The 2015 I-LABS interns give their capstone presentation.
The interns' presentation included highlights of their experiences, such as with the MEG brain imaging facility.
Patrick Donnelly talks about an I-LABS Outreach module that he worked on as part of his I-LABS internship.
The 2015 I-LABS interns with I-LABS co-directors Patricia Kuhl and Andrew Meltzoff.
The I-LABS Outreach team, who led the internship, join the interns and I-LABS co-directors Patricia Kuhl and Andrew Meltzoff.
CraigFest2015: Celebrating a Man of Many Talents
Craig Harris, research coordinator for the Meltzoff lab (shown below right with Meltzoff), retired at the end of June 2015 after 37 years at the University of Washington. His I-LABS colleagues held a reception for him, toasting his many contributions over the years.
Read more about Harris in an I-LABS news story.
Lindsay Klarman Farewell Gathering
August 22, 2014 - After 12 years at I-LABS with roles in the Kuhl lab and on the Outreach team, Lindsay Klarman has taken a new job as executive director of the Hearing, Speech & Deafness Center in Seattle. I-LABS gathered for a fond farewell luncheon, which included a gifts of a favorite toy and a figurine of chain links to represent her future connections with I-LABS. Read more about her new job in an I-LABS profile on Klarman.

Intern Capstone Breakfast 2014!
July 30, 2014 - I-LABS welcomed two student interns during the month of July to learn about research and outreach. Bree Lear and Lily Shafer worked with several I-LABS researchers and helped with all aspects of the research process. They helped set-up studies for participants, coded data, learned about neuroscience techniques like MEG and MRI, and even participated in studies themselves! Bree and Lily also accompanied the outreach team to Bremerton to participate in a workshop and represented I-LABS at a KidsQuest science night. As their capstone project, Bree and Lily presented their experiences to the I-LABS community and their families.
Bree recently completed her Freshman year at Vassar and was particularly interested in I-LABS research on music. Lily is a recent graduate of the University of Portland where she studied neuroscience. She enjoyed learning about I-LABS research on synchrony and empathy.
Boating season opening day!
On a fabulous weekend in Seattle, I-LABS scientists enjoyed seeing the the Opening Day boating parade and crew race directly in front of the I-LABS deck. For more information on Opening Day and the crew races see the University of Washington Crew website.
I-LABS Summer Interns Share Their Experiences
July 25, 2013 – During the month of July, I-LABS welcomed three student interns to learn about and participate in science. Orren Arad-Neeman, Kennedy Poore, and Lizzie Krawczak spent time with several I-LABS researchers, experiencing all aspects of conducting science. They learned about technologies we use to study human brains, such as MRI, MEG and EEG, they witnessed infants and toddlers participating in experiments, they coded video data with an infant researcher and even got to help analyze new brain data from the lab. As their capstone project, Orren, Kennedy, and Lizzie presented their experiences to the I-LABS community and their families.
This was Orren’s second summer as in intern at I-LABS. Since last summer, she has completed her freshman year at Pomona College. Kennedy is about to embark on her senior year at Mercer Island High School and has begun her college search. Lizzie recently finished her freshman year at Pitzer College in California.
High School Summer Interns' Capstone Presentation Captivates I-LABS Researchers
On August 14th, Priyanka Jain and Orren Arad-Neeman, I-LABS’ high school summer interns, presented their capstone project, “The Role of Social Interaction in Infants' Language Acquisition”, to the I-LABS’ faculty, staff, teachers, and parents. Their participation on this project is based on work they did in connection with a scientific experiment conducted by Dr. Sarah Roseberry and Patricia Kuhl. It examines attention/arousal as the driving force of social interactions and also systematically tests whether infant language acquisition is facilitated by interactions with peers.
Infants were exposed to Mandarin Chinese via touchscreen video and were assigned to either individual exposure sessions or peer exposure sessions. The interns were involved in coding these exposure sessions (i.e., how often infants touched the screen, whether touches were intentional, etc.). The results will inform our understanding of the components of social interactions and will speak to the utility of playgroups and other opportunities for young children to interact with peers.
A recent graduate of University Prep, Orren Arad-Neeman has an interest in linguistics and will be attending Pomona College in the fall. Priyanka Jain, another recent University Prep alum plans to pursue neuroscience at Stanford University.
Aaron Norr's Farewell Gathering
On May 25, 2011 I-LABS held a farewell gathering for research assistant Aaron Norr, who has played an integral role in studies for Dr. Rechele Brooks and Dr. Dario Cvencek over the past 4 years. Aaron will attend graduate school in the Department of Psychology at Florida State University with the goal of obtaining his Ph.D. in clinical psychology.
Opening of the Cognition and Cortical Dynamics Laboratory (CCDL)
In January 2011, Dr. Chantel Prat and Dr. Andrea Stocco held an open house to mark the opening of their new lab at the Institute. Read more about Chantel, Andrea and the work of the CCDL
The Newest Ph.D.s at the Institute
Alexis Bosseler recently defended her dissertation on the study of baby and adult brains using MEG, entitled “Cortical Rhythms to Native and NonNative Phonetic Contrasts in Infants and Adults”. She will shortly take a postdoctoral research position in Helsinki, Finland using MEG.
Gina Lebedeva completed her graduate career in 2010, which included completing both clinical and research requirements in the Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences. Gina’s dissertation was entitled “Predicting the predictors: Individual differences in longitudinal relationships between infant phonetic perception, toddler vocabulary, and preschool language and phonological awareness”. Gina currently serves as the I-LABS Director of Translation, Outreach, and Education (TOE).
I-LABS members enjoy celebrating special occasions including end-of-year parties, Fourth of July and Seattle’s Opening Day of boating season that takes place just outside the Institute.
The I-LABS staff and their families get together throughout the year to celebrate special occasions.
Opening Day
The annual Windermere Cup crew races mark the beginning of boating season in the region. This "Opening Day" event draws thousands of locals to the vicinity.
4th of July
Institute members, along with family and friends, gathered to discuss science and take in Seattle's annual fireworks show over Lake Union. Many thanks to Pat and Andy for hosting this wonderful party!
The Institute's Surroundings
The Institute occupies a unique and beautiful setting on UW's Seattle campus. Situated near the UW Medical Center on a waterway connecting Puget Sound to an inland lake, scientists enjoy all the natural beauty found in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest.
The Institute occupies a unique and beautiful setting on UW's Seattle campus. Situated on a waterway connecting Puget Sound to an inland lake, scientists here can enjoy all the natural beauty found in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest.
Seasons at I-LABS



