2016 Media Coverage

12/5/16- UW Today

No peeking: Humans play computer game using only direct brain stimulation
Andrea Stocco, Rajesh Rao, Justin Abernethy, and Darby Losey’s research has "taken a first step in showing how humans can interact with virtual realities via direct brain stimulation."

11/20/2016 - Seattle Magazine

Seattle's Hall of Fame: Education, Health Care and Research/Medicine/Science
I-LABS Co-Director Patricia Kuhl was recognized by Seattle Magazine as one of the "trailblazers who have transformed Seattle in extraordinary ways."

9/7/2016 - University of Washington news release

Feeling they are part of a group increased preschoolers' interest, success in STEM
A new study by University of Washington researchers shows that adding a basic social cue -- making children feel like they are part of a group -- increased preschoolers' engagement in STEM.

7/1/2016 - The Scientist

Is bilingualism good for kids?
New research suggests that raising kids in a dual-language environment might be better for their verbal development than previously realized. I-LABS' Naja Ferjan Ramírez discusses her recent discoveries comparing monolingual and bilingual baby brain responses.

6/29/16 - Kofka Award

I-LABS Co-Director Andrew Meltzoff Awarded Kurt Koffka Medal
The Kurt Koffka Medal is awarded to international outstanding research for excellence in the fields of perception and developmental psychology. Dr. Andrew Meltzoff was honored for his work on infant social cognition.

6/13/2016 - University of Washington news release

Success in second language learning linked to brain and genetic measures
The final grades that college students received in a second-language class were predicted by a combination of genetic and brain factors, according to a new study by I-LABS researchers.
Read more about the research, see media coverage »

6/7/2016 - Popular Mechanics

Brain-to-brain communication is closer than you think
I-LABS' Andrea Stocco and Chantel Prat discuss the implications for future uses as well as the ethical concerns and limitations of their well-known research in brain-to-brain communication.

6/2/2016 - White House press release

Supporting dual language learners in early childhood settings
I-LABS research on bilingual language learning in children babies learn multiple languages is featured in a White House announcement supporting dual language learning during early childhood.
Read more about I-LABS' role in the White House initiative »

5/10/2016 - University of Washington news release

Brain pattern predicts how fast an adult learns a new language
A five-minute measurement of resting-state brain activity predicted how quickly adults learned a second language, according to a study led by Chantel Prat.
Read more about the research, see media coverage »

5/4/2016 - Wall Street Journal

How babies quickly learn to judge adults
I-LABS research shows that babies are astute observers of the emotional tone of adult interactions and censor their own behavior accordingly. Betty Repacholi and Andrew Meltzoff talk about their latest findings.

4/26/2016 - Washington Post

Researchers explain how stereotypes keep girls out of computer science classes
Attracting more women to computer science requires challenging the societal stereotypes about who "belongs in STEM" before these power stereotypes take hold, argue I-LABS' Allison Master and Andrew Meltzoff and UW's Sapna Cheryan.

4/25/2016 - NBC News

Music may help babies learn better, study finds
I-LABS' Christina Zhao and Patricia Kuhl talk about their findings of how musical experience affected baby brain responses to both music and speech, and the possible role of music in helping children learn.

4/25/2016 - University of Washington news release

Music improves baby brain responses to music and speech
A musical intervention helped babies learn to detect rhythmic patterns, a skill important for both music and speech. I-LABS' Christina Zhao and Patricia Kuhl led the study, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Read more about the research, see additional media coverage »

4/20/2016 - I-LABS News

White House showcases I-LABS research at early STEM event
I-LABS co-directors Andrew Meltzoff and Patricia Kuhl discussed their research related to why early childhood is the best time to set a strong foundation in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) for all children.

4/15/2016 - The Conversation

Why the baby brain can learn two languages at the same time
Naja Ferjan Ramírez, an I-LABS research scientist, describes the science behind why early childhood is the best time to learn multiple languages.


The Sooner You Expose A Baby To A Second Language, The Smarter They’ll Be
Early childhood is the optimum time for children to become bilingual. Read Naja Ferjan Ramirez' interview and research reported in the online journal Big Think.

4/4/2016 - University of Washington news release

Bilingual baby brains show increased activity in executive function regions
The brains of babies raised in bilingual households showed greater activation in executive function regions and remained more open to learning new language sounds, according to a study led by I-LABS' Naja Ferjan Ramírez and Patricia Kuhl.
Read more about the research, see media coverage »

4/4/2016 - CBC

Babies take better safe than sorry stance with angry adults
Babies at 15 months of age make snap judgments when a stranger shows anger and they don't forget quickly. I-LABS' Betty Repacholi explains her latest findings.

3/21/2016 - University of Washington news release

Better safe than sorry: Babies make quick judgments about adults’ anger
New social-emotional research from I-LABS' Betty Repacholi and Andrew Meltzoff shows that babies generalize adults' angry behavior even if the social context has changed.
Read more about the research, see media coverage »

3/2016 - Columns magazine

How does baby learn?
From how babies' brains respond to speech and touch to the latest impacts early learning science has made on society, UW's Columns magazine features I-LABS in its March 2016 issue.

02/10/16 - Motherly

I-LABS co-Director Patricia Kuhl’s explains how early language acquisition is affected by media use. Read the article here.

2/10/2016 - KUOW (NPR)

How stereotypes affect adolescent black males' perception of themselves
Onnie Rogers, an I-LABS research assistant professor, discusses her research on Black adolescents and social stereotypes about race and gender. She also shares ideas on how parents can talk to their children about race.
Read more about the research »

1/22/2016 - The Conversation

When do children show evidence of self-esteem? Earlier than you might think
I-LABS researchers developed a way to measure preschoolers' perceptions of their overall sense of self-worth. Dario Cvencek, Andrew Meltzoff and UW's Anthony Greenwald describe their research.

1/2/2016 - CGTN America

Dr. Andrew Meltzoff: Born Learning
CCTV is China’s largest national broadcasting network. CCTV’s English programming reaches nearly two billion viewers on a daily basis. CCTV News (to which CCTV America contributes five hours of daily programming) is a 24-hour international English news channel; its programming currently reaches more than 100 million viewers in 120 countries and it is accessible to more than 35 million American homes.